chapter 15- conditions

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"N.consort Yuzu , We will not disrespect you if you give back what you snatched respectfully. But...But if you don't, we have to snatch it from you forcefully ."

A vein pops in Yuzu's head as he hears Afreen's threat. How dare she ? Yuzu used to have troubles with Jia-li because she had Zixuan's favour. But Afreen, neither she has position nor favour. How dare she ?

"Are you out of your mind , Afreen ? Are you threatening me ? You will snatch blossom from me ?" Yuzu scoffs "why don't you try.."

Afreen frowns a little. Consort Yuzu is not a person who fights for himself. She thought Yuzu would try to run and cry a river to his highness. And as his highness despise him, she would get away with it.

But if consort Yuzu fights then she could end up in prison for disrespecting his position.

"I am not threatening you, n.consort. I am just scared that if his highness came to know that you snatched Blossom from Jia-li and we didn't protest , he can be angry with us."

Yuzu tilts his head hearing Afreen's explaination "Well, you don't need to worry about that. His highness gave Jia-li "The Olive" , a hair-stick made up of Jade. Blossom was never her's."

Afreen smiles thinly "I am really sorry for my ignorance, n.consort. It was just consort Anaya was so sure that his highness took Blossom from you ... " Afreen turns at Anaya "why did you lie Anaya ?"

"I didn't lie. His highness took the blossom back from him. I think he has stolen it." Consort Anaya points at Yuzu. Afreen smirks.

Consort Anaya has always been the dumbest of all wives of Zixuan. Noble consort Yuzu is dumb but consort Anaya is something else.afreen can easily use her to humiliate consort Yuzu.

Yuzu sighs "Consort Anaya, I can throw you in prison for calling me a thief, you should remember that I am Noble consort of Zi , now."

Anaya takes two steps forward "not when you are actually a thief. His highness will put you in prison if he sees Blossom in your hair."

Yuzu chuckles "oh really ? Then why don't you go and inform Zixuan."

"You can't call his highness by name." Consort Zubina shouts in disbelieve.

Afreen stays silent. She looks at the confidence on Yuzu's face. Why does it look like noble consort Yuzu already has gained his highness's favour. "Consort Zubina , consort Anaya .. noble consort herself informed us that his highness gave Jia-li a different hair-stick. Doesn't it end the misunderstanding?"

Anaya scoffs "Concubine Afreen, you can be a laid back kind of person. But we are not. We can't tolerate insult of our husband."

Zubina nods and walks beside Anaya "you are right Consort Anaya. This is purely insult of our husband. Noble consort Yuzu give back Blossom. Or we will snatch it."

Afreen subtly takes two steps back. It will be in her favour if she can get rid of other two consort throught her n.consort Yuzu. One stone, two birds.

"Calm down, you all ." Afreen gives out a panic stricken yell "Blossom will break, if you try to pull it out."

Zubina tilts her head. She always had the desire to break the blossom. She hates it when consort Yuzu walks like a peacock after wearing the Blossom.

She has whined in every tea party of consorts, how she wants to break either the blossom or Yuzu's neck.

Yuzu walks a step back looking at the killing desire in Zubina and Anaya's eyes. Shit . They are women. He can fight them with words but he can't attack them. What should he do ? Run ?

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