chapter 50

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Yuzu looks at Zixuan's sleeping face in worry. He is stupid. He shouldn't have worried Zixuan with his problems. If he hadn't shared his wish to run away, Zixuan wouldn't have brought up Xiang lake.

Xiang is not close to main palace and Zixuan was still in the process of healing from his stab wound. So, it was obvious Zixuan would get fever.

Yuzu dips the wet cloth again in water  before putting it on Zixuan's forehead.   He has never felt this much helpless before. With no one around them, no guards , no maids ... he can't inform a healer , he can't make any healing potion.

They shouldn't have escaped to Xiang lake in the middle of the night. Yuzu looks around the candle lit room with a deep sigh.

"I am fine Yuzu."

Yuzu looks back at Zixuan's half open eyes. "Why did you wake ? Does your back hurts ? Is your ... "

"Yuzu ... I am fine. Come here ..." Zixuan opens his arms.

Yuzu looks at Zixuan with an upsetting look. He pouts but proceeds to lay beside Zixuan. "I shouldn't have ..."

"Yuzu ... I am sorry." Zixuan cuts Yuzu's words in a weak voice "Everytime I try to do something good for you, I mess up."

Yuzu shakes his head slowly "it's our fate. You have no hands in it, Zixuan."

Zixuan closes his eyes again. His eyes are burning from fever. He has no energy left to reply Yuzu. He feels Yuzu's finger raking on his hair slowly. Sleep takes over him.


Empress dowager follows Afreen's idea to solve the maid's problem. 

"You are not being serious !" Yimli almost shouts empress dowager.

"I am absolutely serious. Either you apologise to the maid or I will throw you out this palace, right now." Empress dowager repeats her words.

"You can't do that. My father is a senior minister of his highness's court."

"Your father didn't want you to come here , in the first place. And you brother ? You are here to break his marriage. So don't forget , you are here because of me." Empress dowager laughes "You dared to cut the tree, you are sitting in .. huh ?"

Yimli frowns in disbelief "I wouldn't apologise to a maid."

"Very well then, pack your things. I will ask Xingchen to drop you off. Because your brother can't do that. Your brother has entered his highness's room for the night. I think he is consummating his marriage. He is not a fool like you , who would waste his time fighting with maids."

"He can't do that. He can't cheat on me. It's my place." Yimli shouts.

"It was Yimli but if you keep fighting with maids and let the night slide, it will be your brother's place forever." Empress dowager taunts before leaving the room.

One stone , two birds. She behaves a sigh of relief. Now , she doesn't need to worry. She can sleep peacefully now. It's already hours passed midnight.


Zixuan opens his eyes with a jerk. He hurriedly sits on the bed.

Yuzu who was already awake to take care of Zixuan panics "what happened ? Does it hurt anywhere ?"

Zixuan looks at Yuzu confused "Did you hear the sound ?"

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