chapter 36

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"I wish I could cuddle you like this everyday." Zixuan whispered with a warm sigh..

"You are only here because you came back unannounced from your tour and all your other concubines are sleeping like dead body."

Zixuan chuckled "And what made consort Yuzu think that I can't wake my concubines up if I want to ? I am here because I wanted to be here."

"Liar !"

"then what should I do to make my consort believe me ?"

"Sleep.. you are tired. I don't want your concubines and mother to say that I forced you to be with me and you got sick because of me."

"Hmm.." Zixuan hugged the small figure tighter in his arms "I wish I had met you earlier before having any concubines and consorts."

"What would happen then ?"

"I would have only married you. I wouldn't have a harem."

"Liar ..."

Yuzu remembers that night as he lies peacefully in Zixuan's arms. After all these years , the hug hasn't changed. It's still the same warm hug with which he was familiar with.

That night was before Jia-li's pregnancy news. Yuzu remembers Zixuan silently sneaking into his bed hugging him from the back.

He was happy. Even when he accused Zixuan of lying , yet Zixuan words of wishing not to have a harem, he got butterflies in the stomach. He was even asking God to play their first meeting again.

Zixuan doesn't know that they have met way before his first marrige. Zixuan doesn't know that he has loved Zixuan way before they reached the age of loving someone.

A deep sigh escapes from Yuzu's lips.

"Yesterday, who was in my room ?"

Yuzu comes out of his thoughts. He turns to look at Zixuan's face. Zixuan's eyes are still closed. He is not moving or releasing the hug.

Yuzu sighs again "Prince Yaad."

"Where is he now?"

"Prison." Yuzu tries to break the hug "you can release him now. I was just angry yesterday and he was challenging the noble consort position of Zi."

Zixuan slowly sits on the bed "no need to release. Write a letter to his and Afreen's father as noble consort of Zi."

Yuzu looks at Zixuan with a frown "What are you planning to do ?"

Zixuan stays silent for sometimes before he climbs down the bed "Afreen's Kingdom is faking an alliance with Zi. I have a feeling they are plotting something ."

Yuzu frowns. As much as he remembers there was nothing huge in the upcoming ten or twelve year timespan. Infact Zi kingdom became stronger day by day with this alliance.
"Are you sure ?"

Zixuan nods "I am. Also I am sure Afreen is involved with this."

Yuzu widens his eyes. That sounds impossible. Certain things surely has changed since came back in time but Afreen was never a main character in his last life.

"Yuzu .."

"I .. will write the letter. But I think .. you should release Yaad .. it's empress mother's..birthday today. She wouldn't be happy if her invited guests are insulted."

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