*Chapter 12- give it back

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Xingchen widens he eyes seeing noble consort Yuzu at his doorstep early in the morning. He was feeling guilty all the night for his behaviour last night.

And today he just prepared himself to apologise when he heard the knock on his door. "Your highness!This servant deserves punishment." He bows as low as possible.

Yuzu shakes his head hurriedly "No need to do that, minister Xingchen. Everything is alright. Just , I am curious about the urgent matter which you wanted to tell me. I thought it would be best, if I meet you before the court."

Xingchen stands straight. Concern is still visible on his face "But your highness looks .. sick ?"

Yuzu nods. He got fever at dawn. He knew he would so he was prepared for it. "Just a little bit fever."

"Should I inform royal healer ?"

"Minister Xingchen we don't have much time. Stop beating around the bush. Tell me, what's the urgent matter?"

Xingchen blinks. He looks around in caution. "Your highness, I don't think this is the time and place..."

"Tell me in code , in riddle .. anything. I will solve by myself. But if you don't tell me now, I am afraid we may never get the chance."

Xingchen looks at consort Yuzu shocked. Yes, consort Yuzu has changed. consort has changed his attitude but his brain ? Consort Yuzu is famous for not using his brain and he says he will solve riddle. Xingchen thinks hard.

M.... Master, Emperor.. emperor Zixuan is coming towards abandoned chamber.

Xingchen comes out of thoughts hearing the chubby maids shout. He looks at consort Yuzu in panic.

But consort Yuzu still looks curious rather than worried. "Hurryyyy .." Yuzu shouts.

Xingchen nods and ignores all the maids who were scattered around. He speaks loud enough...

"What we hear, but we can't see..
He is not here, but he will be..
It got two feet and two eyes..
But got no blood, rumour flies..
Someone knew her all the lies..
But was silent, threatened twice.."

Yuzu frowns. He was about to ask more but suddenly Meimei pulls him back and tugs his hand until he bows "greetings, your highness." Meimei shouts extra cheerfully.

Yuzu frowns harder. He was still thinking about the riddle when he got Meimei,'s clue. He sighs "good morning, your highness highness."

Zixuan noticed how the maid pulled his consort back from Xingchen's doorstep but he keeps his composure "good morning , Noble consort Yuzu. Didn't you get the notice that I would come here before court ?"

Meimei gulps. She told her master not to visit minister Xingchen now. But her master insists that it's the third day of Emperor's three days ultimatum. Emperor will change her chamber as soon as he visits and he wouldn't have the chance. That's why ... Oh god ! What she can do now ?

Meimei drops on her knees hurriedly "your highness, this is this servant's fault. I forgot to inform my master. I need to be punished."

Yuzu gasps in his mind. Is Meimei out of her mind ? "Don't lie to his highness, Meimei."

"Your highness , I got the news of your visit." Yuzu replies looking at Zixuan.

Zixuan tilts his head "Yet you came outside of your chamber to visit my minister ? Why does it feel like you deliberately wants to provoke me ?"

Yuzu rolls his eyes internally. He wonders why was he in love this narcissist? "This consort has no such intention. I have already prepared breakfast, if his highness wants to have some, then ... " Yuzu points at the abandoned chamber with his right palm.

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