chapter 3 - No apology

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Yuzu looks at the white power which Meimei has brought for him. In his past life he used to wear a lot of make up. He used to put all the efforts to not to look manly.

From wearing red lipstain to pink blush he used to do everything to look beautiful. He knew that he couldn't complete against emperor's other female concubine or consort yet he was too blind in love to accept it.

"I don't need it." Yuzu pushes the white powder away.

Meimei gasps "But master , today emperor is going to take you back to main palace. You have to look beautiful."

Yuzu chuckles. "You are too naive Meimei."

"Master ?"

Yuzu who was looking at mirror stands up facing Meimei "I have one serious question for you Meimei and you will answer me honestly. Ok ?"

Meimei frowns "what master ?"

"Will you have any problem if we stay here in this chamber instead of main palace ?"

Meimei looks at her master's serious face. She has never seen her master this much calm. "don't you want to go ....back ... master ?"

"Answer my question first , Meimei."

Meimei feels her eyes burning. She was worried about this since yesterday. She was feeling that her master has cut not only his wrist but also his heart this time. She guessed it since the moment her master didn't ask for emperor.

"Meimei ? Why are you crying ?" Yuzu asks with a frown.

Meimei sniffs "master , emperor will love you one day. But if you give up like this...."

Yuzu chuckles. "Stupid. Are you a kid ? Crying like this ? Tears don't suit you."

"B...but master , don't you love emperor anymore ?"

Yuzu sighs. He doesn't have the answer for that. Should he still love that person who caused his death ? "Let's go !"

Meimei runs behind her master as her master walks towards the court without his carriage. She has never seen her master walking outside his chamber. Even when he made fuss and demanded to visit emperor , he always waited for a carriage.

"Announce Consort Yuzu's arrival." Meimei runs ahead of Yuzu as she sees the courtier.

The courtier got surprised to see consort Yuzu's maid at court's gate.

"No need. I am not here to attend court. I will leave soon." Yuzu steps beside Meimei.

The courtier who was surprised before now gets shocked. Consort Yuzu walking at the court and without make up. What is happening ?

Yuzu ignores the courtier and walks behind the curtains where there is a seat for every consort. The seats were empty. No consort is present in today's court. Yuzu looks at his empty seat for a long time.

He has decorated that seat with so many articrafts and soft fabrics. He wanted his seat to be most beautiful among all consorts so that whenever emperor's eyes falls this side behind the curtain , emperor sees only him. Later after two year from now that seat was given to concubine Jia li. She was made a consort after birth of crown prince.

"Master , willn't you take your seat ?" Meimei whispers to Yuzu.

Yuzu looks away from the seat "no !"

Meimei nods. Her eyes burns again. She clearly saw the flash of pain that passed through her master's face just now. Why emperor is so cruel ? Couldn't his highness visit her master only once when he was sick ?

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