*chapter 42

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"Did you hear it ? I can't believe this .."

"Me neither, I thought his highness will favour noble consort for a longer time after Jia-li."

"Noble consort can't keep his highness to himself. He is a fool."

"Yeah, otherwise that ugly prince Yaad is no match with noble consort's beauty."

"Beauty without brain is nothing. Didn't you notice how prince Yaad pointed out noble consort's drawbacks in his very first day here."

Yuzu stops his steps. He turns to look at the gossiping maids who were oblivious to his presence.

Meimei gulps beside Yuzu. She heard those words too. If she was alone, she would've punched them till now. But with her master, she can't..

"I think you two have enough free time to idle." Yuzu opens his mouth after hearing some more.

The maids freeze in their spot.

"Your highness." One of them kneels in front of Yuzu. Other follows the suit "we didn't mean to.. we are sorry. We would never..."

"Go back to your work." Yuzu resumes his steps.

Meimei shocks "master." She runs behind her master "aren't you going to punish them ?"

"Punish them for what ? Telling the truth ?" Yuzu sighs.

"It's not true ..."

"Meimei... Aa.. father !" Yuzu stops talking with Meimei. He looks at the front with a big smile. It's been long since he has seen his father.

Minister Bai walks towards Yuzu fit and fine "how is my son ?"

Yuzu smiles "I am good. Is father's health ok ?"

"Absolutely ok .. out for a walk ?"

Yuzu nods. Then an idea stricks his mind "father .. can I go back home for somedays?"

Minister Bai raises his one eyebrow "why is that ?"

"There is no reason. I just missed home." Yuzu smiles thinly.

"You never missed your home all these years. You used to say this is your home. What's wrong ?" Minister Bai asks softly.

"N..nothing .."

"His highness is going to marry prince Yaad." Meimei complains. She was silent till now.

"I know." Minister Bai smiles at Meimei.

Yuzu looks at his father in disbelief "you know ?"

Minister Bai nods. "Of course, I know. I am his minister. But I am not getting what it has to do with you Yuzu ?"

Yuzu closes his eyes "no..nothing .."

"His highness is my master's husband." Meimei complains again.

Yuzu's eyes become wet "Meimei .. stop."

"He is not only your master's husband Meimei, but also the emperor of Zi. That's the price of marrying an emperor. I have warned your master before he stepped into this palace." Minister Bai looks at Yuzu's lowered face. "He said that he could tolerate it."

Tear falls on Yuzu's cheeks. "I am fine. I just want to be away for sometimes. Can't I visit my home anymore ?"

"You can always. That's your home, Yuzu but Escaping from the situation doesn't solve the situation. Still.. if you want, then inform his highness about it, not me."


"Master ?" Meimei calls again with a pout. "You can't give up like this."

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