chapter 56

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Zixuan holds Yuzu's hand as he sits beside Yuzu. It's been hours since Zubina's death was reported.

Zubina was stabbed in her stomach. She died in an instance. Whoever did it, was accurate in his force and position.

"Don't worry ! Everything will be alright." Zixuan whispers in a low voice.

Yuzu takes in a deep breath. He leans his head on Zixuan's shoulder. "If she was his lover , how could he be so cruel towards her ? How .."

Zixuan sighs "Father Tao wants to visit me."

Yuzu tilts his head "Is he alright ?"

"I don't know. Let's visit him."

Yuzu stands up absent-mindedly. He wants to speak to Zixuan before Zixuan speaks to Tao. But he doesn't know how to explain.

How much Father Tao knows ? Does he knows about Yuzu's lies ? Will he tell Zixuan about his ... No no ..  Yuzu stops his steps.

Zixuan turns back "what happened?"

Yuzu looks up. They are already out of the main palace. He can see Tao's chamber from his position. "I .. I think we should give him some rest."

Zixuan frowns "We don't have enough time for that Yuzu. I thought Zemin is weak. He can't attack but look, he murdered Zubina right under my nose. I need to do something."

"But ..."

"Yuzu, I need to know what Zubina was doing in father Tao's chamber. Also I want to know how did Zemin enter father Tao's chamber ? Was he present there already ?"

Yuzu frowns "are you doubting father Tao ?"

"I don't want to." Zixuan replies with a serious face before retrieving his steps.


Tao was spacing in his room when Zixuan and Yuzu entered his room. He stops as soon as his eyes falls on Zixuan. "She ... Your consort Zubina .. I heard she .."

"Dead." Zixuan replies calmly. He doesn't want to be cold but his voice came out heavy.

"Oh dear !" Tao falls on his chair.

"What was she doing in your chamber ?"  Zixuan asks without any delay.

"She came to blame me. She heard from somewhere that I am here. She was here to say how I have destroyed Zemin's life."

"So she was his lover ?"

"She thought she was." Tao whispers.

Zixaun frowns "what ? What do you mean by ..."

Tao closes his eyes in despair. Tears roll down from his cheeks "He fooled her to spy on you. He pretended to love her. She is not Zemin's real lover."

Yuzu blinks "how do you know that?"

"Because his real lover is the one who stabbed consort Zubina."

Zixuan fists his grip. His headache is increasing. "I am confused."

"Zubina was your second consort , Zixuan. You married Zubina before your father's death. How can she be the real lover of Zemin?

When Zemin met his lover after your father's death, his lover was single.

But I think he approached Zubina because he needed inside information. She provided him that. She used to do all the behind work for him. And she kind of confessed your concubine Jia-li found out about that. So she stabbed her to death. And the same way she came to murder me."

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