*chapter 24 - Scum consort

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"RETREAT !" Zixuan shouts as soon as Yuzu talks about leaving main palace.

Yuzu flinches a little from the shout. He was standing close to Zixuan so for a second he got shocked.

Zixuan looks at Yuzu's expression with cold eyes.

"you too, concubine Jia-li.." Zixuan states without looking at Jia-li. His eyes are still on Yuzu but he got the hint when Jia-li tried to linger on.

Jia-li hurriedly bows before leaving the room.

Zixuan grips Yuzu's arm as soon as everybody leaves the meeting room except Yuzu. "WHY YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO ABANDONED CHAMBER SO MUCH IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RELATIONSHIP WITH XINGCHEN ?"

Yuzu flinches more with the high toned voice. He is sure every other concubine and consorts can hear Zixuan from outside. "I gave two options. I will go back to my father ....


Yuzu holds Zixuan's palm that was holding his arm "you are hurting me."

"ANSWER ME." Zixuan gives a jerk. The blue moon on Yuzu's hair jingles with the jerk.

"THERE IS NOTHING TO ANSWER." This time Yuzu shouts out of his lungs "I came back here with conditions. And as a son of heaven if you can't fulfill my conditions then I am not obliged to answer you."

"You hate Jia-li that much ? Is it that important to you to give her punishment ?" Zixuan tone came down but Yuzu felt Zixuan's hatred behind those words.

"You are asking me this ? I was close to death because of her. My father was kneeling in front of you because of her. We bore the punishment for nothing and that woman who actually did the crime got away with nothing. Why ? Because she is pregnant." Yuzu hisses.

"Her position is freezed forever." Zixaun reminds Yuzu "she can never be more than a mere concubine while you are the noble consort."

"Yet, she can insult me anytime she want and I can't punish her. Is this how your positions work ? Is this how you are equal to all ?" Yuzu feels himself losing control.

"Noble consort Yuzu, you are a male consort. Being involve in this harem's stupid fight is against your pride. Can't you see it ?" Zixuan looks at the honey toned eyes with a frown.

"Yuzu, I am not doing this for her. I am doing this for you. What do you think people will say if they heard noble consort punishing a pregnant woman because she came late ? They will call you scum and sympathies with Jia-li." Zixuan calms down a little.

"Am not I , your scum consort since the day I stepped in this palace ? I have always been your scum consort. You, yourself said it in your birth anniversary party. Remember ?" Yuzu looks at Zixuan in the eyes before turning his gaze away.

Zixuan notices a tear drop escaping the eyes that were fighting with him few seconds ago. Zixaun's grip from Yuzu's hand loosens. He feels a ache in his heart. "Yuzu ..."

Yuzu who almost lost his all control, raises his palm to stop Zixuan. "You don't need to persue anymore." Yuzu pulls out blue moon from his hair slowly. "I can't be your noble consort, your highness. You should find someone else for this."

Zixuan frowns as Yuzu places the blue moon in Zixuan's palm.

"scum and noble are two contradictory words, doesn't go with each other." Yuzu turns around to leave.

"What punishment do you want to give to Jia-li?" Zixuan stops Yuzu by holding Yuzu's hand from the back.

Yuzu stays silent. "I don't want anything, anymore."

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