*chapter 52

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Zixuan let Yuzu enter with Zhan and JieJie through the secret door of his palace. He has decided to conceal Zhan's existence from everyone for the time being. Announcing Zhan will only creat trouble at this moment. 

Yuzu agreed with him but he is worried that they can't conceal Zhan's cry. Everybody will find out eventually.

But now they have bigger fish to fry. He needs to find the person who hurried Zhan. Though he doubts it's Ze-min himself, yet he needs to be sure before arresting him.

Zixuan leaves the secret door and leaves for Xingchen's chamber.

Xingchen was having a hard time handling anxious court ministers who believe his highness has escaped with his male consort like his father. His eyes lit up as soon as he sees his highness.

Zixuan glares at the ministers with a cold face before shouting "RETREAT."


Zixuan sits on a chair in front of Xingchen "What's the news with Jia-li's murder ?"

"We doubt it's Afreen."


Xingchen lowers his head "We don't."
All the shadow guards confirmed that she didn't leave her room that night."

"Then what about the letters ? Did she write any anonymous letter ?"

"No ! There is nothing."

Zixuan growls. "Send some people to search the areas around Xiang lake. Ask them to look for me or someone who looks like me."

Xingchen bows.

Zixuan stands up "Track my step father Tao's whereabouts. If you find him, take him hostage."

Xingchen nods again.


Afreen keeps frowning at the ring like a madwoman. She is sure that she knows where the diamond could be. She has seen it but where ? Is her dreams .. she has seen the diamond in her dreams. How could it be possible.

She screams suddenly.

"Afreen !"

Afreen stops screaming. She widens her eyes looking at the source of the voice. "Y..your highness !"

"Why are you screaming ? Shouldn't you be dancing ?" Zixuan walks in the room with a strange look. He has never entered Afreen's room before.

"Dancing ?"

"Yeah dancing !" Zixuan grits his teeth.

Afreen gets the tone of mock but she pretends to ignore it "yeah ! I should be happy. His highness decided to visit me.. have a seat."

Zixuan looks at the seat Afreen offered but he didn't sit "Happy not because I came here, but because you successfully removed the thorn of your way."

Afreen frowns "your highness ?"

"You murdered Jia-li !"

Afreen gasps. "I didn't."

"The guards confirmed she met you in the palace justfew hours before she died." Zixuan squints his eyes to see Afreen's reaction and there he sees Afreen stepping into his trap.

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