Chapter 6 - Noble consort

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"Your highness !" Xingchen breaks the silence as everyone waits for the royal healer to appear in the court.

Zixuan looks at Xingchen with an ugly face. "What ?"

Xingchen lowers his head. He doesn't know why but he feels like emperor is not happy with him today. But he is the chief minister. He job is to handle situations which emperor himself can't.

So he adjusted his words in mind before uttering "Your highness , since consort Yuzu is proven innocent with the maid's confession, it doesn't look good if he keeps on standing here, in the middle of the court like a criminal."

Yuzu who was standing aside with a bored expression turns his gaze at Xingchen. This person is really talking in his favor ? Even after all the insults he threw at him ?

Zixuan almost growls hearing Xingchen's words. Who gave that bastard rights to think about his consort ? Yuzu is his consort and he should be the only one to decide.

"I have't declared consort Yuzu innocent yet. Don't try to cross the horse, Lu XingChen !" Zixuan throws the words with gritted teeth.

Xingchen widens his eyes. It's rare when emperor calls him with his original name. God ! Did he do something wrong ?

Yuzu rolls his eyes internally. He doesn't have any intension of sitting on that chair either. That is chair is going to be concubine Jia-li's soon. They will snatch that chair from him. So it's better if he abandons that chair before.

"Your highness ! Your highness ! What did .. I do ... what ... did .. I do ?" Royal healer jumps infront of Zixuan's feet out of a sudden.

It seemed like guards have actually dragged that human to the court. Royal healer looks nothing like royal in his state.

Zixuan moves his feet away from the healer's reach. He stands up and circles around the kneeling man in a lazy manner. "Tell me, my royal healer .. what kind of poison did you find in concubine Jia-Li's body ?"

The royal healer frowns with that sudden question "your highness ?"

"What. Is. The. Name. Of. The. Poison ?" Zixuan smiles at royal healer like a creep.

"O...Opium, opium .. your highness."

Zixuan stops circling the healer "What is the effect of opium my healer ?"

Sweats breaks free on healer's forehead "drowsyness .. diziness ... sleepy .."

Zixuan looks at the healer direct in the eyes "Is that so ? Then why concubine Jia-li was very much active when I met her after she drank the soup ? She was neither dizzy nor sleepy !"

Zixuan's voice has come down to normal voice. He sounded like just an curious husband "Jia-li had headache and stomach ache, she even vomited ! Are you sure you are not wrong ?"

The royal healer gulps. "I .. I am maybe wrong ! It was morphin. Yes ... morphine."

"Morphin ? But Jia-li slept after that for almost eighteen hours ...?"

Healer tries to sneak a look at the curtains but soon he gets shocked as emperor's face appears in front of him. "I am not convinced, my healer. I am really confused."

Zixuan stands straight and fixes his robe "guards bring two sons of royal healer. Feed opium to one of them and morphine to others. I want to see the symtoms myself."

Royal healer snikers in horror. He again jumps on Zixuan's feet "no no ... your highness ... no ... pity this servant. I beg you. Pity this servant.
Please your highness , there was no poision in concubines body. This servant lied. But this servant had no ... other way.. pity ... please."

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