Chapter 28 - No apology

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Meimei bites her lips in fear as she stands at one corner of Jia-li's room. She just realised that she made a huge mistake. She just .. was so angry with that bitch that she couldn't control herself.

But now, as she sees that bitch crying like a crocodile in his highness's arms , she regrets everything.

"Why your highness., why ?" Meimei hears Jia-li's ugly shout again. "If a servant can say this on my face then behind my back ... I can't even imagine... your highness ? Why is my child so unlucky even before he is born ? Why is he getting labelled as illegitimate even after all the love I gave to you ?"

Yuzu sighs. He stands in front of Zixuan and Jia-li without uttering any words. He doesn't have any energy to waste on Jia-li's drama. He is just waiting to hear Zixuan's decree.

Zixuan on the other hand has a complex expression on his face. For the first time in his life, he is at loss of words. He has warned Yuzu before to control his childish maid but it looks like Yuzu didn't take his advise seriously.

Meimei is a minor. She hasn't even crossed fifteen yet, so whatever mistakes she does, the law of Zi kingdom holds her master responsible for it. Which is Yuzu.

And right now, Yuzu's silence is definitely going against him.

"Consort Yuzu ... do you have anything to say on behalf of your servant ?" One of the generals who came with Zixuan asks Yuzu. The general is an old friend of minister Bai. And he clearly knows Yuzu is not a person to slander an unborn child.

Yuzu sighs again "Meimei is a child. She says what she hears. She doesn't understand the weight of every words she utters.

"She says what she hears ? Then consort Yuzu you are accepting that she hears such things being discussed ? And knowing the fact that she is your maid , do you accept that she heard such words from you ?" Another general asks in a little harsh tone.

He was the first one who entered this chamber after hearing Jia-li's shout.
He was the one who informed the whole court about Jia-li's insult. And he is also the one who has sent his massenger to empress dowager. But she is not here yet .

Yuzu looks at the general in a calm tone. "I don't accept anything except that Meimei is a kid. She doesn't mean what she says always."

Jia-li bawls "noble consort, I know I have wronged you before but is this the way you want to take revenge on me ? You will insult me using your minor maid and then you will say that she is just a kid ?

Would you say the same thing after your maid bully my child ? No no... I will not let you do so... I will kill my child before he faces such humiliation... I will kill myself.." Jia-li struggles hard in Zixuan's arm "let me go... I will die ......"

"Stop it .. A-li !"

Zixuan closes his eyes as soon as he hears his mother's voice. Now who informed her ?

Empress dowager walks in the room with a sheathing glare at Yuzu "Stop it !You are a soon to be mother how can you curse your own blood ?"

Jia-li looks at empress dowager with teary eyes. "What else should I do , empress mother ? Tolerate my insult ? My baby's insult until both of us die ?"

"That would never happen!" Empress dowager shouts. "If needed I will cut every tongue that questions my grandchild."

Jia-li sniffs lowering her head. That's what she wanted. If consort Yuzu can seek a chance to punish her , then why can't she do the same to him.

"Noble Consort Yuzu, apologise to Jia-li on behalf of your maid." Zixaun finally opens his mouth.

Yuzu smirks finally. He was just waiting for Zixaun to flip. Zixuan can never choose him over his beloved Concubine Jia-li.

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