*chapter 16- love letter

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Meimei Runs towards her master as soon as she sees him walking in their new residence. "Master, enunch told me that his highness ordered to move your things in this room."

Yuzu nods tiredly then looks around the room. "This is not my previous room in the main palace. What happened to my chamber ?"

Meimei shakes her head "I don't know but this chamber is bigger than the previous one. Aren't you happy ?"

Yuzu chuckles thinly "What am I going to do with a big chamber ? Anyways, give me a hair-stick, Meimei."

Meimei frowns. When her master left for the party she tied his hair with a wooden hair stick. What happened to that? And now she noticed her master's hair is a mess and open. "Ok Master."

Meimei runs towards the dressing table and opens a drawer "oh !"

Yuzu who was about to sit on the bed stops "what happened ?"

Meimei turns around with a hair stick and a letter in her both hands. "Master ... When I was moving you things, Minister Xingchen saw me."

Yuzu frowns.

"He asked me to give you this letter. I refused but he said it's for your and his highness's good. That's why ..."

"Give it to me." Yuzu opens his palm to take the letter. Meimei complies with a little hesitation.

Yuzu opens the letter with a worried expression. In all of these fights, he almost forgot about Xingchen. But if Minister Xingchen ....

"His highness , the emperor is here."

Yuzu looks up at the gate.

"Master ... the letter ..." Meimei shouts.

Yuzu frowns but also realised what Meimei was saying. He hurriedly pushes the letter under the pillow just in time Zixuan entered the room.

What is Zixuan doing here now ? He made it clear that he wouldn't consummate the marriage.

Yuzu stands up from the bed and bows at Zixuan along with Meimei "greeting, your highness."

Zixuan grins "Retreat !"

Meimei hurriedly bows and runs out out of the room. Yuzu looks at the scene with an angry expression. He glares at Zixuan.

Zixuan grins more "you look beautiful when you glare, my noble consort."

Yuzu looks away "what are you doing here? I told you I wouldn't..."

"Consummate our marriage, I know but that doesn't mean I can't visit my noble consort as I wish." Zixuan walks towards the bed.

"You wish to visit here ? Don't joke. You don't even visit me when I was sick."

"Are you angry at me for that ?" Zixuan sits on the bed beside Yuzu.

"I am not ... What are you doing ?" Yuzu shocks as Zixuan holds his hair making a ponytail.

"Huss ! Turn around." Zixuan whispers in a soft voice.

Yuzu tries to look at Zixuan but Zixuan holds his head tightly "be calm.."

Yuzu blinks. He feels a hair stick pulling his hair up behind his ears. Yuzu turns around hurriedly making the hair stick fall from Zixuan's hand.

Yuzu looks at the hair-stick in shock. He has never seen a hair-stick more beautiful than Blossom before but this one... If not more beautiful then it is as beautiful as Blossom.

Yuzu looks up at Zixuan's face.

Zixuan picks up the hair stick "It was the first blossom which I ordered for you. I wanted it stick to be blue as it was for my male consort. But blue diamond was rarer than Pink.

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