chapter 2 - Sleep

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"Your highness !"

Emperor Zixuan was enjoying his personal time with his pregnant concubine when his chief informant reports him.

"I hope there is some important news which made you spoil my personal time." Zixuan stands up from the bed and fixes his outer robe.

"Consort Yuzu has regained his consciousness"

Zixuan keeps looking at the informant , still waiting for an important news.

The informant gulps "That's... that's the news."

"Then I should Leave, your highness. I don't think consort Yuzu will be happy if he sees me in your chamber." Came Concubine Jia li's sweet voice after a long silence.


"No need. It's him who is in wrong. You don't need to fear him till zhen is with you." Zixuan tilts his head "let him come here and see your position with his own eyes.

The informant who feels a big burden just lifted from his shoulder bows to the empror again.

Zixuan smirks "next time when consort Yuzu sends you with his news , wait till I finish my personal time. He is not important enough to spoil my leisure time."

The informant nods. Consort Yuzu hasn't sent him. He came by himself as he knows consort Yuzu will soon make a chaos all over the palace demanding to see Emperor. He just wanted to warn Emperor about his psycotic male wife.

"Highness , should I stay ?" Concubine Jia li asks again just to confirm.

Zixuan smiles at his innocent concubine. He just can't understand how consort Yuzu being a man himself can hurt a woman? Doesn't it hurt his male ego to get involve in such lowly harem stuff ?

Whom is he talking about ?Consort Yuzu never once behaved like a man. Always whinning, complaining and conspiracing is what he can do. If not because of his father , he would've never taken Bai Yuzu as his consort.

"I am appointing more guards if you are scared of him A-li. And I will stay awake untill he comes here. I need to stop him from making a mess."

Jia-li nods slowly "then if his highness is awake , can we have a game of chess untill he comes ? How can I sleep when his highness is awake."

Zixuan nods subtly. Jia-li is a person whom he has always adored. Not only she is beautiful but also intelligent and mature.

She never whines, she never brings some stupid gifts to please him, she never beggs for attention. She is good at chess. She is modest and now she is going be the mother of crown prince. That makes her the perfect candidate for Empress position. So it was inevitable that other consorts and concubines would try to hurt her.

But out of all twelve woman of harem , it had to be that annoying one who never could be the empress. Sometimes Zixuan wonders what does consort Yuzu thinks of himself ?

"Your turn first , Highness."

Zixuan looks at the chess board.

He grins and moves his pawn ahead waiting for his concubine's turn just like he is waiting for consort Yuzu with his guards on alert.

The guards outside King's chamber looks at each other in fear. There is no news of movements from abandoned chamber yet but one never knows when tiger attacks.

The informant who informed Emperor also waits in his own chamber with a looking glass in his hand. He can see abandoned chamber from his chamber quite clearly with the help of looking glass.

The other consorts and concubines couldn't sleep either. They are half excited about the scum consort's regained consciousness and half scared about emperor's rage.

Nobody in the palace could sleep with the news of Bai Yuzu's waking up except one.

Yuzu sleeps peacefully in his room. So peacefully like he has years of habits of living in a damp abandoned chamber , sleeping on a worn out mattress.

Yuzu slept like he has forgotten the one and only love of his life. He slept like his one and only love has forgotten him.

"HE SLEPT ?" The emperor shouts in his chamber early in the morning.

The informant trembles in fear. " "Yes ! Y..your highness !"

Zixuan turns red with his rising anger "Here we are waiting for him , Zhen's concubine Jia li didn't bat an eyelash even after carrying crown prince and he slept there ? Not even a single bit of regret ?"

The informant lowers his head with a confused face. He doesn't know about Consort Yuzu's regret or repent and what shocks him is his not comming for the emperor.

"Calm down your highness. Maybe , consort Yuzu is still sick and is not able to move. I heard he lost a lot of blood." Concubine Jia li replies tiredly. Her back hurts from staying up all night.

"Not Able To Move ?" Zixuan chuckles in disbelieve "Owh ! Is it his new trick to grab my attention ?"

"Your highness , you haven't visited him for once after he cut his wrist. If he wants your attention he is not wrong."

"He is not wrong ? He tried to kill my offspring. You are too modest A-Li, you don't see bad in people but I can see it . Pretty clearly." Zixuan fixes his robe.

"He is just an annoying, arrogant, attention seeking and spoiled son of Minister Bai. Too sick to move or pretend to be too sick to get moved back in main palace ? He thinks I can't see through his tricks ?"

Fine ! If he is pretending let him pretend. Let me see how long he can pretend. Let me see how long it takes him to come for me with his annoying over powered joker face.


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