chapter 31

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Yuzu wears his face covers slowly as he stands in front of the mirror. It's already afternoon. Minister Xingchen would be in prison by this time. He needs to hurry yet he decided to wear the covers for caution.

"His highness, the emperor is coming inside the noble chamber." 

Yuzu was about to walk out when hears the announcement. Zixuan ? At this hour ? Yesterday after he shouted at Zixuan. Zixuan has left the chamber after breaking a flower vase.  Yuzu thought he wouldn't see Zixuan's face for the time being but .....

"Were you going somewhere ?"

Yuzu frowns harder hearing the cheerful of Zixuan. The f .. "umm ... No ..  just walk. What is his highness doing here ?"

Yuzu asks back whilr bowing at the same time.

Zixuan shruggs casually "I am thinking about visiting the market. I need to buy a gift for mother's birthday. So, why doesn't consort Yuzu accompany me to the market ?"

Yuzu tilts his head. After their fight yesterday, it's weird. So weird. "I don't think empress mother will like my choice. Why doesn't his highness ask other consorts to go with him ?"

"I will choose the gift myself. Consort Yuzu doesn't need to be worried and since he is already going out for a walk , already dressed up... Zhen thinks consort Yuzu is the best choice."

Yuzu blinks "Market isn't open yet. Most of the stalls open in the evening..  why visit now ?"

"We can visit temple before going to the market." Zixuan gives a nervous smile.

Yuzu raises his one eyebrow "not in the mood of visiting temple."

"Then we can take a walk to the garden and..."

"You already know I am going to visit minister Xingchen in prison? You are indeed spying on me ?" Yuzu asks in a cold tone.

Zixuan stops his suggestions in the middle. He fists his grip to control his urge to scream. "I am not spying on you. But I know you are visiting Xingchen behind my back."

"Aren't you the reason behind this ? Threatening people to the death that they are scared to even talk with me in front of you ?"

"Talk ? What talk ? What could possibly the talk between a noble consort of Harem and chief minister of court ?" Zixuan asks in annoyance.

Yuzu sighs "let's go, hear it. "

Zixuan frowns "huh ?"

Yuzu walks in front of Zixuan "You wouldn't trust me untill you see it with your own eyes , so Why don't you visit prison with me ? Hide there in corner and hear it yourself what is the talk."

Zixuan blinks. He was about to reply but Yuzu already walked out of his chamber.

Zixuan follows Yuzu closely behind as they walk together towards the prison.

"I am sorry about yesterday." 

Yuzu stops his steps a little hearing Zixuan's soft voice. But soon he starts walking again "why don't you start saying sorry to me every morning Zixuan ? Because everyday till the night falls you certainly do something to be sorry."

Zixuan holds Yuzu's wrist from the back "Please .... Yuzu .."

Yuzu pulls his hand back "stand here. You can hear and see us from here."

"Yuzu ... I ... "

"You have your sword with you. You can even stop us if we do any act of shame." Yuzu looks at Zixuan direct in the eyes before leaving the corner to face Xingchen.

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