chapter 25 - options

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Zixuan came out of the meeting room with a solemn expression on his face.

The guards bow to him "your highness !"

"Inform concubine Jia-li that she has to comply the punishment noble consort will assign to her and tell her if she cares about her baby, never disrespect my noble consort in any way. If same mistake is repeated again then, I will be the one to assign punishment." Zixuan states in a cold voice before walking towards his court.

He is concerned about Yuzu's desire to leave the palace. At first he thought Yuzu was upset with him because he believed Jia-li over Yuzu on the poison matter.

But now it seems it's not only the poison, there are so many things which he didn't notice before.

But he should have known. When he agreed to the proposal of a male consort, his mother protested to the core of her heart. She solely believes an ideal wife must carry the offsprings of the husband. So a man can't be a wife.

He should have known his mother never liked Yuzu so it was not impossible to lie about Yuzu. Why didn't he notice ? Because at that time he was irritated with Yuzu's constant nagging ... and he believed any excuses that could separate Yuzu from him.

"Your highness !"

Zixuan comes out of his thoughts hearing someone calllling him. He looks at the source of the voice "yes .. concubine Afreen ?"

"Your highness, I heard what you said to the guards. But .. can't his highness convince noble consort to forgive Jia-li ? She is pregnant and even a small amount of punishment can harm her mental stability. What if our would be heir ......" Afreen pleads to Zixuan but she said all the words to loud enough so that it reaches every ear.

She knows in seconds the gossip will spread that noble consort is risking future heir's life. 

"Concubine Afreen !"

Before Zixuan could react and the gossip could start , Yuzu came out of his meeting room.

Afreen turns around startled . She thought Yuzu had already left.

"Being pregnant with future heir doesn't give anyone the licence of doing crime."

Afreen smiles thinly "that's not what I meant .."

"I forgave her once already." Yuzu states it loud too. "But don't forget she used a poor and helpless maid to fulfil her crime and that maid was taken to prison. The ex. Healer is still in prison because of her.

But instead of learning from her mistakes, she is repeating it again and again. At this rate only she will stay out of prison and all of our commoners will suffer because of her. Is it fair ?"

Afreen bites her inner cheeks as she tastes sour in her mouth. This can't be happening. How can Yuzu turn her plot against her. She already can see the confusion and contempt on the faces of the servants.

"Noble consort, I was just thinking about making her punishments due. Once she gives birth .. then we can punish her that way both side will be protected." Afreen reasons out.

Yuzu walks closer to Afreen. "After she gives birth, she has to take care of the prince, breastfeed him, I can't take back her time from there .. so how long are you planning to make it due ?"

Afreen looks at the determination in Yuzu's eyes. "I was just worried about the heir, noble consort. But I can't deny what she did is wrong. So if noble consort thinks it's the right time to punish her, I wouldn't interfere anymore."

Zixuan takes a breath fo relief as Afreen backs up. He was standing by his promise of not to interfere interfere in Harem's matter. But if Afreen would've continued....

Yuzu nods at Afreen but he didn't miss the anger in Afreen's eyes. He smirks. So that's how it goes ..

In his last life he never knew Afreen and Jia-li were a pair. He always thought Afreen was a royal and knew how to be neutral and biasedless even after being Jia-li's friend.

But now it seems he was wrong. Afreen always knew about Jia-li's crime and supportedly her from the shadow.

"I am not that cruel concubine Afreen but I can't support crimes." Yuzu opens his mouth again "So, I am going to give concubine Jia-li an option. If anyone can take her punishment on behalf of her to save her from stress, then I will allow it."

Afreen shoots a glare at Yuzu as soon as she hears it.

Yuzu smiles underneath his face cover "It means concubine Afreen you can take her share of punishment too if you are that concerned and want to help."

Afreen clenches her fist underneath her robe. If his highness was not present , she would've slapped Yuzu till now.

Yuzu sighs "Or his highness , himself can take away Jia-li's punishment."

Zixuan tilts his one eyebrow as soon as he hears Yuzu's words "I told you, I wouldn't interfere. So I wouldn't."

Yuzu squints his eyes. This man is not even loyal to his beloved concubine.

Zixuan smirks. He is enjoying how his male consort has finally decided show his claws. But he has claws too. By hook or crook  his Yuzu is not stepping out of main palace. He will make sure of it.

"Then, concubine Afreen let me know it beforehand if you are willing to recieve punishment on behalf of concubine Jia-li." Yuzu smiles at Afreen before leaving the courtyard.

Afreen looks at Yuzu's back with a killing intent before turning at Zixuan "your highness ...."

"You heard it, concubine Afreen. I have no say in this." Zixuan sruggs casually. Since Yuzu has left , he has no wish to stay here anymore. He leaves the courtyard leaving Afreen behind.

Jia-li stands up from the bed as soon as Afreen enters her room. She was waiting for Afreen in Afreen's so long. "What happened ?"

Afreen slowly walks in and sits on her chair "You have to recieve punishment."

Jia-li frowns "What the hell ? Even after having the future heir in my womb ?"

Afreen looks at Jia-li with a frown "Is it really the future heir in your womb ?"

"What do you mean ? You are doubting me ?"

Afreen looks at Jia-li with suspicious eyes "I don't know. You tell me ... you never told me that you were pregnant yourself even when we talk each and everyday .. only one day out of nowhere I got the news of your pregnancy."

"So what ? Shouldn't I inform my husband first about this kind of thing ?" Jia-li argues.

"Your husband is my husband too." Afreen takes a deep breath "anyways, I have a feeling that his highness has started favouring Yuzu. Our wildest fear is comming true."

"What should we do ?" Jia-li asks in a whinny tone. "He hasn't come to me since that Yuzu questioned my pregnancy."

"You went to him yesterday night, right ?"

Jia-li sighs "I did. But he was not there. He left through the other entrance before I could even step into his room. He didn't even notice me."

"Then why did you say that you became late for his highness to Yuzu?"
Afreen asks in disbelief.

"Yesterday, he was waiting outside the room to check if his highness throws me out of not. So I stayed inside the room until he left and today I wanted to make him jealous." Jia-li pouts.

"Very well .. taking a punishment for nothing. Did he look like he was jealous to you ?"Afreen almost shouts "He was happy. He was finding an excuse to punish you and you went there saying come bull, hit me."

Jia-li holds Afreen's hand with puppy eyes "come on .. I am sorry. I don't have brain like you. Please .. think of something na ...we need to stop Yuzu."

Afreen takes another deep breath to calm herself down. Her skin crawls  every time she remembers the smirk of Yuzu. But if Yuzu thinks of her as brainless as Jia-li, then he is wrong.

Afreen's lips curve upwards finally.
"I actually have an idea."


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