*chapter 37

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(A/n : read it to clear the confusion.

*Side stories are about Yuzu's past life. Those are the flashbacks of their mistakes, their rebounds and their worst and best times.

The side stories aren't connected with each other. It just shows the remarkable incidents of Yuzu's previous life because ...

You can't judge the present, unless you know the past. )


"Zhan..." Yuzu bawls his heart out in sadness. Zixuan rubs on Yuzu's back with a worried face.

Empress dowager spaces around the hallway impatiently. "Why is it taking so long ? Didn't the healer say A-li is already on her nine months and he can save the baby ?" 

"Maybe he said it to ease our worries. After all , falling from the stairs on nine months ..." Afreen whispers in a low voice but everybody hears it.

"If you can't say anything good, then don't open your mouth, Afreen." Empress dowager glares at Afreen before turning at Yuzu with an irritated voice "the baby isn't dead yet. Don't cry like that."

Yuzu sniffs lowering his head.

Yaad taps his foot impatiently"nobody is blaming Yuzu." He whispers in Afreen's ear.

Afreen tilts her head "they will not until the baby dies."

"What if the baby doesn't.."

"Then we have to wait for Jia-li's sense , she needs to blame Yuzu again out and loud." Afreen replies in a hushed tone.

"She will blame you now." 

Afreen smirks "she can't. What will she say that I planned and deliberately fell to frame Yuzu ?"

"Healer is out." Yaad points at the front with his eyes.

Afreen and Yaad stop their conversation as the healer comes out of the bed chamber with a sour face.
Afreen smirk gets wider.

"What happened ? Where is the baby ?" Empress dowager asks in panic.

"I am sorry, your royal highness." The healer lowers his head in shame.

Yuzu falls on the ground with a thud. This can't be .... This is impossible ... His zhan ...  How ...

"YOU TOLD ME, YOU WOULD SAVE THE BABY .. DID YOU LIED ?" Empress dowager shouts in pain. "YOU SAID .. SHE WAS CLOSE TO DELIVERY.... WHY .... DID YOU LIE ..." 

The healer looks around the hallway "That royal highness ... Can I talk with his highness and royal highness alone ?"

Zixuan who was still in a daze hearing the death of his baby... Looks up "huh ?"

The healer bows in half "This is about the reputation of the Zi kingdom."

Empress dowager wipes her tears and before Zixuan could react she shouts "Retreat."

Afreen and Yaad look at each other before leaving with all the other guests.

Empress dowager looks at Yuzu who was still on the ground .. being a crying mess .. "Noble consort Yuzu ...

"Let him be..." Zixuan cuts his mother before pulling Yuzu up from the ground. He never knew Yuzu had even fixed a name for the baby... He was confused when Yuzu cried shouting Zhan .. zhan repeatedly. Then he realised .. it's ...

He never thought Yuzu would love his baby that much to select a name ... 

The stands straight "Royal highness , his highness , noble consort ... forgive me if my words sound ..

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