chapter 53

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"Well !" Yuzu asks after sometime.

"The blackmailing never stopped. Even after consort Tao's departure, Empress dowager blackmailed ex-emperor time to time. 

Anything she didn't like , she would use the crown prince to correct it." Minister Bai gives out a deep sigh.

"Use crown prince means using me to threaten my father ?" Zixuan's heavy voice breaks the silence. .

"Yes. That's why ex-emperor decided to leave the palace. Without him, there would be no one to blackmail. It was essential to save your life." Minister Bai informs.

"Why didn't she use me to bring back father ?"

"She had no idea where his highness went, Whom to blackmail, Who will report the news of your life risk. It was for the best. We all helped ex-emperor to sneak out of the palace one night and he left without any trace."

"I was just a kid. Why didn't you take me with him?" Zixuan complains like a kid.

"You were the crown prince. You needed to be here. He loved you so much that he left all his people but he couldn't leave them without any hope. You were the hope of the Zi kingdom." 

"Ex-emperor always took reports of his highness's well being from us. His highness's sword was given by our ex-emperor." Another minister informs.

Zixuan looks up. He grips his sword tightly. "This one ?"

"Yes ! If his highness remembers , teacher Wang gave this sword to his highness."

Zixuan nods.

"We took this sword from your father and gave it to teacher Wang." Minister Bai smiles in pain. He promised ex. Emperor that he would never break Zixuan's heart by saying all of these but he failed to keep his promise.

Zixuan rubs his face to cover his tears "Why you never told me before ? I used to hate my father."

"Hating your father was easier than hating the place where you have to live all your life."

"I want to met father Tao." Zixuan finally controls his emotion.


"Aren't you worried ?" Consort Anaya asks Zubina in panic. "Afreen is in arrest, empress dowager is also in house arrest. His highness has ordered to dismiss the harem. What will we do ?"

"We are consorts of his highness, Anaya. Even if he dismisses the harem.. consort Yuzu, you and I will still remain his consort." Zubina reassures.

"But he hasn't consumated his marriage with us." Anaya sighs in worry.

"Why are you even worried about that ? I know everything Anaya. You and that minister of his highness's court." Zubina smirks.

"What .. what are you talking about ?" Anaya stammers.

"Anaya, you used to fight hard of his highness's attention before but suddenly after consort Yuzu punished you, you vanished like a thin air. What did you think ? Nobody noticed ?" Zubina whispers.

Anaya looks scandalised.

"This is a good chance, Anaya. When his highness calms down .. tell him the truth. He is dismissing the harem. He will let you go without any punishment." Zubina suggests.

"His highness ordered to house arrest empress dowager. He wouldn't let me go without punishment. Wha if he punish minister for me ?" Anaya shakes his head.

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