chapter 34

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"I. Am. Not. Joking. Consort. Yuzu !" Zixuan takes a step closer to Yuzu.

Yuzu looks staright in Zixuan's eyes. He wouldn't back down this time. Even thought his heart is about explode because of rapid beating , yet he stands on his ground. "I am not joking either.

Zixuan takes another step closer to Yuzu "Don't make me force you , Yuzu because deep down you know that you can't win against me."

Yuzu unconsciously takes a step back "What will you do chop my hair off ? Do it ! I don't care."

Zixuan tilts his head "You know very well that I love your hair, consort Yuzu and I don't cut the tree on which I sit usually."

Yuzu's frowns. Zixuan looks way too relaxed for his .. what can he do to punish him ? Cage his father ? No .. he needs father to investigate. Abandon him ... that's not what he wants either.

"What are you thinking? What will I do ?" Zixuan calls Yuzu out of his thoughts.

"If you punish Yang Xi instead of me then you should remember that will defame your reputation and damage the relation of Zi with Yuri."

"I know that." Zixuan whistles.

Yuzu frowns harder. He was about to reply again when he feels a sudden pull of his arm. He stumbles forward in Zixuan's arm. "I will keep you with me until your hair catches the scent I like , my scent."

Yuzu widens his eyes in disbelief. Is this man for real ? "Leave me ! You promised you wouldn't ...."

"I promised I wouldn't consummate our marriage Consort Yuzu, I never promised I wouldn't hug you , hold you and touch you. I can do all of that and still our marriage wouldn't be consumed until I ...

"Shut up !" Yuzu glares at Zixuan from Zixuan's arms "leave me .. I am telling you."

"Then wash your hair !" Zixuan states seriously this time.

"No !" Yuzu glares harder.

Zixuan turns Yuzu around with a push so that Yuzu's long hair hits Zixuan's chest. "Then stay like this whole day." He whispers in abnormally red ears of Yuzu.

Yuzu fists on his own robe as Goosebumps crawls all over his body. He hates how Zixuan still have that much effect on his body. He hates it to the core. He blinks fast to control his tears.

Just few minutes ! He just need to wait few minutes until Jia-li's maid comes to call Zixuan.

"I am hungry ! Call your maid.." Zixuan calls after sometimes.

"Go get your food in your room. Meimei is underage. I wouldn't call her until you leave me." Yuzu retorts with a scoff. The truth is he, himself is hungry too.

Zixuan shruggs "Ok ! As you wish !"

"What are you doing ?" Yuzu panics as Zixuan suddenly moves along with him.

"Going to my room to eat."

"Leave me ..." Yuzu struggles as Zixuan slowly walks towards the exit while having Yuzu in his arms.

Zixuan grips Yuzu's body harder "wash your hair or I am going to have my food , attend my court , have meetings with your father like this."

"Shameless ... Are you ?" Yuzu finally manages to push Zixuan a little.

"I. Am. !!" Zixuan hisses pulling Yuzu more tightly.

Yuzu flinches in pain.

"I. Told. You. I. Am. Not. Joking...Will. You. Wash. Your. Hair. Or. Not ?"

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