chapter 35

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"WHAT THE HELL." Yaad jumps out of the bed as a bucket of cold water splashes on the bed.

Yuzu tilts his head..he is holding the empty bucket in his right hand. "How daring ? You dare to shout ? After trying molest the emperor of Zi kingdom ?"

"I didn't. He invited me here." Yaad retorts with raising anger as water drops from his forehead. He looks at a wet crow in rain.

"He passed out after inviting you here?" Yuzu squints his eyes " How can you even try to sleep with a man who is moaning someone else's name."

Yaad laughs "He is moaning my name ...Ha ha .. how would you even know his highness hasn't even touched you while I had been there with his highness way before."

"Was he passed out that time too ?" Yuzu scoffs "when you said these words before I didn't trust you..because no one in his right sense of mind would sleep with you... But now ... Seems like ... You have experience of snogging people when they are out of their sense . 

"How dare you ? Don't forget you are talking with a prince." Yaad huffs.

"You don't forget you are talking with noble consort of Zi." Yuzu snaps. "You know what, I can literally drag you and put you in prison for your crime, right now. But you are lucky that tomorrow is empress mother's birthday."

"Put me in prison ?" Yaad laughes again "for what ? Pleasing his highness ? Do the the work what you should have done ? Why don't you try ?"

Yuzu raises his one eyebrow with a smirk on his face "Why not !!"

"GUARDS !!" Yuzu calls the guards who informed him about Yaad trespassing in Zixuan's room.

Soon two guards walk in "your highness !!"

Yuzu looks at Yaad sharply "Take prince Yaad to the cell. If he co-operates then I order you not to harm him. But if he doesn't , then drag him. If anybody asks then tell them it's noble consort's decree."

Yaad looks at guards in disbelief as they approach him "Wait ! Don't you dare to touch me ! I am prince Yaad ! My sister is Royal consort of this palace. I am a guest ....  "

Yaad yelps as one of the guards holds his arm "HOW DARE YOU .. DON'T FORCE ME TO USE MY POWER. ... "

"Don't make them drag you, prince Yaad. They are the guards of Zixuan's bed chamber. They are trained to handle thousands like you." Yuzu states casually.

"You are messing with wrong person Yuzu . Wait until Empress dowager hears about this."

Yuzu smiles at Yaad before turning at the guards "Take him."

Yuzu takes a deep breath as the guards leave almost dragging Yaad with them. He looks at the bed. Zixuan is still passed out even after getting splashed with water. 

Why can't he just leave ? Why he has to be worried about an asshole of a husband ?

"Zixuan.." he calls in a low voice.

There is no sound. Zixuan is gone completely. Yuzu sighs again. It means he needs to remove Zixuan's clothes, wipe his body and dress Zixuan up.

Suddenly Yuzu regrets pouring water. It was just ... He was angry.

"Meimei .... " Yuzu calls Meimei who was waiting for her master outside.

Meimei almost jumps in the room "yes master..."

Yuzu slowly sits beside Zixuan's body on the bed. "Bring a clean towel and a new set of his highness's cloth. Ask one of his maids to give you the clothes."

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