chapter 55

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Yuzu looks at the date scroll with a deep frown on his face. He thought that the death, birth and any major incidents were repeating on the same date as his past life.

According to his last life his life was not at risk right now. He had time until Zhan learned to talk but ...

"Are you sure Zhan is already one year old ?" Yuzu asks JieJie.

"I am pretty sure, bole consort. My daughter is one month old. The crown prince is definitely older than her. If not one year then close to one year."

Yuzu nods. Of course, JieJie knows better than him. Things are changing. "Thank you JieJie for letting me know."

Jiejie nods before leaving. She bows at Zixuan on her way out. Zixuan walks in after she leaves "anything wrong?"

"Nothing." Yuzu smiles suppressing his fear "you found the ring ?"

"Nothing in Anaya and Zubina's room.  I have ordered to search all the rooms in the palace."

"What about father Tao ?"

"He doesn't want to live in the main palace. He is in the south west chamber , opposite Xingchen's room." Zixuan gives out a long sigh. "He seems worried about Zemin."

Yuzu nods slowly. "Is there any chance of Zemin attacking the palace ?"

Zixuan shakes his head"Zemin doesn't have any armed force or weapon to do that. Neither he knows how to swing a sword. As much as I remember, the only threat we have is him backstabbing or replacing me."

Yuzu's eyes subconsciously falls on Zixuan's right palm. He was about to touch it but a knock on the door interrupts them.

"Yes !" Zixuan faces the entrance.

Xingchen walks in with a bow "Guards found the ring."


"No .. this is not possible!" Yuzu denies firmly "why would Yimli murder Jia-li ?"

"They found the ring in Yimli's room." Zixuan repeats the truth again. "Come on Yuzu, your sister isn't innocent. She doesn't want anything good for you."

'Zixuan , Yimli needs a motive to murder Jia-li. Why would she do that ?"

"Maybe, she is Ze-min's ex lover." Zixuan doubts.

"You never married her. So her being the ex lover is practically impossible."

"Then what was this ring doing in her room ?"

Yuzu frowns "Someone is framing her."

"Why would they ?" Zixuan asks a little frustrated.

"I will talk with her... Alone."


"You are the one who is framing me." Yimli's shout could be heard from outside of her room.

Zixuan clicks his tongue. Why the fuck Yuzu needs to talk alone ? What if that bitch hurt him ? "Xingchen ! Be ready with the guards."

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