5.⁂ Sick guy ⁂

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The man who had boarded started destroying the ship mercilessly and you were just looking still processing what had just happened. Zoro woke up and looked at he new intruder.

"I knew that voice sounded familiar, is that you Johnny?" 

"Zoro no aniki?" So they know each other. 

"Where's Yosaku?" Johnny started tearing up and went down the ropes and brought up his partner who looked like he was dangling between life and death.

"Yosaku has been sick so we found some rocks to lie on and out of nowhere a canon ball attacked and it was from this ship." Luffy and Usopp started looking around acting like they weren't guilty of anything. Nami walked up after a quick inspection ordered the guilty duo to fetch some lime, he was suffering from scurvy. A disease characterized by Vitamin C insufficiency.

"Long ago the disease was fatal to sea farers because they lacked knowledge and did not keep fresh fruits with them so many died." Nami explained, wow so knowledgeable. Usopp and Luffy began squeezing the limes into his mouth and even stuffing them in his face fearing they would be held responsible for his death.

He woke up and they introduced themselves as the bounty hunter duo, they used to work with Zoro. Yosaku had gotten up to quickly and fell back down on the deck. Johnny mentioned that they were near the grandline and spoke of a man with eyes like a hawk and Zoro said that that's who he's after. A navy ship approached and they looked at us before the guy who thought he was the main character started talking.

"I am Iron fist fullbody it seems you bounty hunters are so weak that you got captured by pirates." 

"We are not weak, would weak people go after guys like these?" Dude threw a bunch of bounties in the air and the landed on Merry. Nami's eyes were stuck on a particular bounty and you followed her gaze it was Arlong. Jackpot so that's our guy who was somehow connected to her.

 "Shoot them down." Body man ordered. Luffy stretched to redirect the shot but and accidentally hit a nearby floating vessel, it was a restaurant. You held your forehead in disappointment, great. Luffy tried to look away and whistle like he didn't do anything. You grabbed him by the collar heading for the damaged place.

"Come we have to apologize." You turned around. 

"And you two better fix up the ship when we're gone. We just got it" You pointed to Yosaku and Johnny. You took Luffy to the front and explained what happened, the cooks dragged him upstairs with you following closely behind.

"AH! Your leg." Luffy yelled seeing the old cook with a missing limb.

"This didn't happen now !" 

"So it was like that before then?"

Luffy bowed his head down and apologized for the damage and the guy said it was okay he'd just have to work there for a year.



"EH! A year?" You questioned. 

"Since he doesn't have any money to pay for repairs." Luffy raised his hand index finger up.

"One week."


"Two weeks." These negotiations were going horribly so you just decided head back down and sat at an empty table. Body navy man was there with his date when they were served wine he swirled it and sniffed it like some creep in a very inelegant way.

 "Ah this must be from Micque of the North land. Yes this must be Hurutz Burger Stein." What who's going around sniffing and cramming these silly names. 

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now