78. ௹Mermaid ௹

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You took this time early in the morning to go for a swim following the ship.

Luffy, Usopp, Brook and Chopper were fishing but were rather unlucky, they hadn't caught anything. You got out of the water and dried off, the reason for leaving was simply cause of the odd currents.

"Sanji I'm hungry, food!" Luffy  yelled. The sky began to darken as the clouds gathered, but not a single drop of rain fell. The water from the ocean was rising.

There were currents moving upwards.

"Serpent currents be careful." Nami stated.

"Those look dicey." Franky stated.

"Sanji!" The navigator called.

"Leave it to me." Sanji ran to the helm of the ship and tried spinning the wheel but it wouldn't budge.

One of the currents started coming and we had to defend. Zoro sliced through it and another came.

"Weapons left!" Franky destroyed it but there were two others.

You manipulated the water and returned them back into the ocean.

"What are you doing?" Zoro asked Sanji as the ship wasn't moving.

"Shut up! In these waters, it won't do what I tell it to!" The helm wasn't moving and as a result neither was the ship.

"Gum-gum pistol." We were constantly fighting away these currents.

"There's no end to them."

"Should we coup de burst out of here?" Franky suggested.

"When do these things end!" Usopp was hiding behind the mast together with Chopper.

"I'm afraid we can't, even if we coup de burst there are currents up ahead." Nami stated.

"Should I play a song? At times like this it is important to boost morale! All storms and currents will eventually recede. Let's just be patient." Brook really had many wise sayings.

"Sounds good, Brook! Go for it!" Luffy stated and Brook started playing something on his violin which was wonderful. The ship was lifted up and thrown by a current. Chopper almost ended up in the ocean but Robin caught him before he fell.

"This is getting dangerous guys let me try something. Could you tie up the sails."

"Sure." The crew tied them up and you lifted the water at the bottom of the ship weaving it through the currents you were almost at the end but started getting tired.

"There it is the red line!"

"Even that day there was a nasty storm like this. " Sanji's words let you commemorate at the time you guys entered the grand line. Back then it was just you, Luffy, Usopp Nami, Zoro and Sanji. Ever since coming here the numbers have increased and the family that is the Strawhats keeps getting bigger.

"Let's go everyone!" Luffy yelled. There was a large current coming towards the ship.

"Guys a can't dodge this one." You let the crew know beforehand.

"Can we escape with the paddle dock?" Franky asked but the current was coming in fast.

"No time!" Robin said.

"Sanji take us up that current. Thanks Y/n." Nami instructed as she thanked you.

"Up?" Franky questioned he wasn't there when the crew went up the knock up stream. You stopped controlling the water and placed the ship down.

"Yes just like the sky island. Untie the sails." Nami stated and we got up on the current.

You were about to fall back when you hit something hard and arm held your hip steadying you while the other was on your shoulder.

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now