7. ⁂ MH5 ⁂

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"So you're part of a crew now?" 

"Yup." In the middle of the conversation Luffy came up attacking Mihawk dodged and he ended up stuck in some wooden planks, Luffy got up and sat straight. Sanji had yelled a while ago that Zoro should have just given up on his dream. Life was too short to not do what you wanted to do. 

"And what is your ambition?" Mihawk asked your captain.

 "I'm going to be the King of pirates." He declared. 

"That's going to be harder than even surpassing me" Zoro lifted up his sword an promised he would never loose again. You removed your first aid kit from the fanny pack and tossed it toward Yosaku hopefully they could patch Zoro up. You gave your uncle a hug which he reciprocated and patted your head. 

"Leave the house a little more often you're looking pale." He just laughed at your statement

"Mihawk! Have you come to take my head ?" Asked Don Kriege. 

"I was merely passing time." Don then shot some stuff towards him and he left without  a care. 

"Y/n visit soon and don't be a stranger." With that he left to go back on his business. Seems he was just bored at home. Luffy wrapped one of his arms around your waist and swung you guys to the restaurant. 

"Hey old guy if I chase these guys away can we not work here." 

"Yeah if you worked here for six months you would destroy the whole place." 

"I'll also help as well." Luffy was ready to fight this guy. The fight was just beginning . The Baratie then developed some fins that acted as a foothold for people to stand on. The enemies started to climb aboard the ship and began fighting, the pirates were considerably strong but Sanji was able to kick most of them away. You reached into the fanny pack and touched the bottom when a black hole appeared and you pulled out the scythe you were sharpening earlier and started chasing the pirates away like they were insects. 

This was going on when a dude with some pearl suit and armor walked up and started attacking, Ghin threatened the Sanji by pointing a gun to the owner. Sanji then got hit and then the dude was on fire because he was angry. Luffy did a battle axe and destroyed the fins supporting the structure. Turns out this Don Kriege  was more of a quantity over quality guy. Luffy had called them weak and they wouldn't shut up getting all angry clearly  they were giving off weak if that's how they reacted. 

The guy on fire going by Pearl had hit Sanji so hard you swore he had broken some bones. In the middle of all that you were still pushing guys away from the ship they wanted to take control of. After Pearl was hit by Ghin,  his comrade, we learnt that Ghin was actually the chief battle commander of the pirate group. He had some weird spinning things that he used to go after Sanji. The other crew members were just cheering as they floated in the water. There was no need to stay here you could've just gone ahead with the other guys to get Nami and make sure Zoro was okay.

 But you were stuck here and had to deal with it. Luffy took this opportunity to attack Don Kriege who he thought was slacking and attacked back. Ghin told him it was useless and Don Kriege was the strongest one. He really seemed to have faith in him. But it was hard to not believe in the person you trusted to lead you if they faltered who could you rely on? Luffy has it in him but it would take a while and a lot of progress but the most important thing was to believe in the process. What interested you more was his devil fruit.


You were sitting next to Luffy who was angry because Shanks wouldn't take him to sea to be a pirate he had even pitched how he could swim really well and that his punches hurt like pistols, you couldn't care less you just wanted to move on but that's when you heard chewing from beside you. Luffy was eating the fruit you guys had worked so hard to obtain. You grabbed his shirt and started shaking him and shouted with your little voice. 

"LUFFY!!!" You were shaking him back and forth when Lucky Roo interrupted. He held up your sketch book where you drew the fruit earlier.

"Did you eat what was in the box that looked like this?"

"Yeah and it tasted bad." Shanks began panicking and turned Luffy upside down to spit all the fruit out you just started laughing. 

"Hey Shanks I think I'll stay on this island." He completely ignored you. 

"Luffy that was the gum-gum fruit, one of the devil fruits and if you eat it you can never swim again!"  Who said it was the gum-gum fruit.? Luffy was interesting and unpredictable whenever you touched him you couldn't see anything. Well you found one now there were three more to go this was gonna be difficult.

Aside from finding the truth you also had some simple instructions that were written in a booklet when you were found....

Back to the present

Luffy had been able to hit Kriege but not after getting impaled with many metal things that looked like a sniper gun's bullets but much bigger. He ran and that's when Don Kriege pulled a giant spiked blanket that  he pulled from god knows where probably his ass, considering he was such an ass hole. You smiled to yourself and laughed at the joke. He punched him through the spiked blanket and was completely fine. Well not completely.

"What there's no way Don Kriege could be defeated he's the strongest in the East Blue." Some side character yelled. Seems there was some sort of internal discord when Ghin couldn't kill Sanji because he fed him, well Kriege was now fed up with everything and that's when he said he'd release it.. The poisonous gas MH5.

"Ghin throw your mask away! You don't deserve to live"! Well that's just mean. The cooks already began to swim away from catastrophe you could see Luffy panicking on what to do.

"Don't worry about me I'll manage." He then took two masks for Sanji and Ghin while he was running looking for another one. Don Kriege launched the bomb and all the gas spread around, Luffy found a mask last minute.

When the gas came to you, you wanted to test how strong it was so you took your normal mask off and inhaled before releasing it through your mouth. It wasn't that strong and put the mask back on, everyone was happy they survived and when the gas cleared Ghin was pushing his mask on Sanji's face, he had been poisoned, aww how noble.

He frankly needed a better captain that wouldn't treat him like complete garbage and then throw him away. He was struggling to breathe.

"Patty, Cane get the medicine for food poisoning we have." 

"You fools put the mask back on him it should cancel some of the effects." Owner stated. You wanted to get closer to try and help but you were pretty shaky with any thing that dealt with healing you could do it to yourself automatically but others were a different situation. Difficult yes, impossible no. 

You were about to head there when three guys jumped onto the platform you were on and they walked and you were pushed towards the edge but didn't notice. You needed good footing to swing the scythe but then it happened all to quickly your feet didn't have anything to stand on and you fell into the water.

 You needed good footing to swing the scythe but then it happened all to quickly your feet didn't have anything to stand on and you fell into the water

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*Edited chapter

*Thanks for reading this it hasn't even been a week and we already have over eighty reads!! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o. I will also try to reduce the length of fight scenes and I'll also stop writing these tiny messages bye bye ^.^

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now