71. ௹ New shipwright ௹

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Most people had their jaws licking the floor except for Luffy and Garp who were just behaving as usual.

"Wasn't she the world's most dangerous person until her mysterious vanishing." Coby asked.

"Meh wouldn't know." You shrugged it off at least less nervous now that someone had spoken.

"Such an odd family." Helmeppo said.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not related to Garp or Dragon." You said sheepishly. 

"Your parents are dangerous people."

"Robin." Luffy said.

The crew then turned to Robin for some kind of explanation. 

"I don't know much about the white devil. All that's known is that she was Gold Roger's best friend and had the highest bounty in the crew , but for Dragon. How can I explain it...? Pirates wouldn't start a fight with the government or navy, but there's a power trying to bring down the world government directly right now. Dragon is the man who leads it. Their ideology has now spread in many countries around the world, which caused rebellions and led several kingdoms to fall. The government naturally became angry and has been searching everywhere for their mastermind, Dragon all this time as the world's most heinous criminal... but he's been considered a mysterious man whose background was completely unknown. And yet..."

Robin left it that but the captain was still curious.

"And yet?" Luffy asked. She was probably referring to him being his son.

"He sounds cool probably the guy I should be working with." You said, it was good to know that even without you there was still someone to take down the world government. Luffy had his brows furrowed looking at you sadly.

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere." You reassured your adopted brother.

"Ah! I guess I shouldn't have said anything about it, huh? Ha ha ha Well, then... forget what I said!" Garp stated.

"Eeh!" There's no way people were to just ignore that.

"You know I hadn't realised it but when I look at you, you're the spitting image of your mother almost like a clone." Robin said.

"Yeah we literally look like the same person, so I'm told." You were glad that Garp was still the same crazy old man that you grew with. 

"Since Y/n is with you I won't capture you Luffy. I'll give the navy an excuse talk to those two."

"Ah." Luffy was picking his nose completely ignoring the conversation.

"Miss me more !" Garp yelled

"Don't worry I'll miss you." You said hugging Garp.
"Where would I be without you Y/n!!"  Garp had tears in his eyes.

"That selfishness you can tell they are related." Nami stated. You watched as she slipped something into Luffy's pockets. Then stretched her arms walking to you.

"All of this is tiring, want to go to the pool?" It had been a while since you swam without fighting for your life.
"I'd like that." You got a bikini that you thought was cute and placed it in a bag heading to the pool.

You both reached the swimming area and you jumped in excited, but Nami didn't have the same sike. She pulled out a snail and started eaves dropping into  Luffy's conversation.

"You know I could have just gone and listened in  if you really wanted to hear."

"Shh. The seas energy? I see, they have special boats that allow them to cross the calm belt unharmed." You listened to her but at the back of your mind you were very worried. That meant the navy could wander into Amazon Lily whenever they wanted to, it wasn't safe there anymore.

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now