44. New member?

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He explained that the navy was going to destroy the ship or take it. We now had to go to the upper part of the Sandora river that's where the dancing swan said he would be. Luffy told Vivi that we would wait for her the next day at noon at the East coast. If they really wanted her to join I carried the sack with rope too. We left the place. You were on Kuro and the other guys were riding the super sonic ducks. The sun was coming up and Nami looked really sad. "Nami-swan what's wrong are you sick?" Sanji asked. "If you're sick I can take a look at you?" Chopper offered.

"You can have some of my meat but only a small piece." Luffy offered which was surprising. "Ah you're probably worried about Vivi." Usopp said.

"I'm willing...... willing to give up on the billion berries for Vivi." She said like it was a good thing. "So misleading," Zoro was right here I was scared she wasn't well. We soon reached the ship and started loading the things we had come with. It didn't take long before Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were dancing with Bon Clay already reunited. That didn't even take long. You passed a box to Zoro and he passed it to Sanji. "Is that the last one?" Sanji asked. "Yeah it is." With that you climbed up and you guys had to start going to the Eastern part and wait for Vivi.

Nami had just given the instructions to start sailing. "Wait that side has the navy crawling in the waters!" The ex baroque works worker stated fearing all their work was for naught, if we were to be caught up in the same trouble he so heavily burdened to save the ship from.

"We have to go there." Luffy stated.

"Mugiwara~ didn't you hear that side isn't safe."

"But we have to go for our friend."

With that he held his chest and twirled around, " Someone who abandons their friends is unworthy of friendship. I will come as well for I too cannot abandon my friend." They then did their dance and we cast off to meet Vivi and indeed the navy eagerly awaited for our arrival.

There were multiple battle ships present eight to be exact. It seems thr navy had advanced from shooting canons that always missed to spears that were sure to sink us. Oddly enough all spears shot hit and if we didn't do something at this rate going Merry would be sank. The marines were making a type of formation that would close as in and shoot us down with no room for escape, some two marines were shouting obnoxiously especially Jango. Wait Jango? Since when did they let pirates fight for justice. Usopp had brought up the only canon we had and effectively taken down two of their ships in a single shot. That's our sniper.

"Hey I need some here." Chopper shouted. "I'm coming." You said as you headed to the other side of the ship to help the doctor in his monster form deflect as many spears as possible. This was getting you nowhere and the ship already had holes. Then came out a marine lady with pink hair and a cigarette on her lips she was fairly beautiful but worst of all she had one of those jackets which meant she was probably a captain or worse higher ranked one of the marines confirmed all suspicion. "Captain Hina we will be able to capture them now they have nowhere to go." It was another one with pink hair. It was that fullbody guy.

"I see that you guys plan to meet this friend of yours so I will put myself on the line cause that's what friends do. So listen carefully."

We had successfully escaped the navy with Bon clay and his team acting as a decoy allowing us to escape. We reached the spot agreed upon and waited for Vivi. Those speakers were really loud, we could hear the speech all the way out here.

It was way past noon and the princess was yet to show. Maybe she had seen it fit to not arrive but that was no problem she did have a country to rule and all. In the distance there was dust being raised and something was coming towards the beach and it was Vivi she had a speaker with her.

"Guys I can't come with you.    I came to say goodbye... I'd love to go on more adventures with you guys but there's no denying that I love this country." Tears were cascading down her face as she sniffled slightly holding back in order to complete whatever message she wanted to convey to the dear friends who had helped her save her country.

"..so I can't go. If we meet again will we still be friends?" Thank the heavens for Nami's devilish speed she had shut Luffy up before he could shout anything.

"What was that for?"

"The navy has already taken notice of Vivi if they find out she has a connection to pirates it will put her in danger." After Nami explained Luffy still wanted to let Vivi know that we would always be friends and there was but one way to truly let her know how we felt.

You released Kuro and Shiro and everyone unwrapped the bandages on their left hands to show the cross which had become a mark of friendship. Vivi and Karoo did the same lifting their hands as well. The marines had already started to shoot at us so we had no choice but to set sail. With being chased and all.

"Flooding down here." Usopp said. You made your way to the basement together with Luffy to find Chopper struggling to patch up the ship. Luffy thought he could swallow all the water but it just went continued to pour in making the rubber boy weaker. "You guys go. Usopp take Luffy and Chopper back up. I'll handle it down here."

Usopp took the enemies of the sea and left. You now had the problem to fix it was rather quite simple given your newfound abilities. You wanted the ship patched up and in seconds you watched as the same kind of wood came and covered the hole. Then there was the water on the ground which needed to be outside and out it went. You walked back up and luckily we had escaped. But everyone was sulking hanging from the rails except Zoro. The sails were torn which ment someone had been rowing us away.

"I miss her!" They all said.
"Don't be whiny. If you wanted her to stay that bad you should've taken her by force." Zoro said trying to be quiet in towards the end.
"That's what I've been saying, I even brought the stuff." You said holding some rope and the sack you always had.

"Zoro you're such a savage." - Chopper
"The worst" -Nami
"Marimo" - Sanji
"San toryu" Luffy added
"Oi Luffy that isn't an insult."

"Yon toryu."

"Now that's a complement." You said.

"What?" Zoro gave you a questioning look.

"What." You asked right back.

"....the number isn't the problem Luffy."

"Why am I the only one getting insulted. Y/n has a whole sack." Zoro argued.

"I don't see it." Luffy said. "Yeah Zoro what ever do you mean?" You said slightly mocking him. He just stormed off to go somewhere else.

"We finally made it off the island." Nami stated. "Yeah I was getting worried." A voice said. We looked behind us and it was Nico Robin. Everyone pointed their weapons in her direction except you and Luffy who weren't too interested and Sanji who was admiring her.

"Here to avenge your company? I'll take you on." Zoro said ready to fight.

Robin turned her attention to the captain. "Let me join your crew."

*Yey 3k reads! I've been binging Bridgerton so if I start writing in old English 🐻 with me.

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