"Franky, Robin-chan, Y/n-chan, we're okay here. We're heading there right away!" Nami said in the call.
"Let's do something here." I said.
"Robin can you fight?" Franky asked.
"Of course." Robin answered now full of energy and rejuvenated.
"There's an escort ship on the other side of the bridge. Don't you think that is our escape."
"That ship is currently the only way for us to get out of here." You added.
"Strong right!"
"Weapons left, Fresh fire Franky boxing Franky centaur." Franky was enthusiastic about the whole thing and fought a lot.
Robin was letting out frustration for all the abuse she had endured in the last few days right now. The marines were jumped into the ocean futile attempts to escape the attacks from Franky.
"Oi! You guys, we have three prisoners that removed their handcuffs and are going on a rampage. All of you come out here and protect me!" This Spandam guy really couldn't do anything by himself, he was always relying on the strength of others without helping.
The number of marines started to increase and come at you guys. You weren't really fighting, rather making Kuro do all the work. You had set a radius around you without friction so that anybody that came close would just slide and fall off the bridge into the ocean.
"They are really persistent." Franky concluded that there was likely no end to this.
"Based on the head count alone they're like a first class army." Robin added
You had thought of saving energy for when the warships arrived because it was probably not too long until they showed up, everything that happened from there would determine whether you guys won or not.
"There's an escape ship up ahead. Don't you think that's the key to our escape?" Franky mentioned for the second time after a while.
"Seems like our best option." Robin said.
Enies Lobby started burning up, the island started burning up, the marines and government officials that hadn't escaped were now trying to run away. You looked off into the horizon and the war ships were making their way to the island.
Robin fell to the ground, shaking uncontrollably. You approached her, crouched down, and placed your hand on her shoulder to offer some support. This must have been a truly traumatic experience for her.
When the ships neared you took that chance to destroy them.
"El thor!" You had been able to get two in one shot. The marines noticed it was you and wasted no time in trying to come after you, they threw their weapons when they learnt that they couldn't come near you.
With all the dodging you had no time to destroy another one, the ships came near the bridge and passed it. You were worried about the rest of the crew left behind, they should hurry up and get here quickly.
You put up an ice wall and got enough energy to destroy one more ship.
"El thor!"
"You idiot stop destroying the ships. Hurry up and capture Nico Robin so I can be the hero. The buster call sounds like a gun salute for me he he he. And kill Y/n."
A cold chill run down your spine from Spandam's orders, dying right now wasn't part of the plan.
There was more commotion coming from where Luffy was fighting Lucci, you looked to see a large hand coming out of the building and Lucci flying out in his leopard form. He went crashing down into one of the warships. This must be one of Luffy's new techniques.

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}
RandomShe has been through a lot in life but decides that she wants to see his dream come true. Y/n is on a journey together with Luffy to see first hand how he will change the world but she has some of her own plans . [I will try to follow the story as b...