23.⁂ Elbaf Warriors ⁂

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"I'm going for a walk." Zoro stated jumping off. "Oi! Zoro since your going could you bring back something edible?" Sanji requested. 

"Yeah sure, I'll bring something even you can't possibly capture." Sanji was offended. There was no reason to turn the whole thing into a competition but they went to see who could bring back the heaviest animal. Taking a pencil and your sketchbook you wrote 'fruits' and held it up for both Nami and Usopp to read. 

"Y/n is also leaving!." They said with tears in their eyes, not to be rude but you were just a tad bit  sick of constantly eating tangerines all the time, some variety wouldn't be so bad. After making sure you had everything you left and came back shortly with an ample amount of different fruits but strangely enough nobody was on board.

With the conclusion that no one was here you took the time to check on the painting that still hadn't dried, the sky was dry but the ocean wasn't. It was water colour paint that was supposed to almost dry instantly. Looking at the painting in hopes of it drying failed and it was getting late, you would go look for the rest of the crew and figure how long the log would take to set. Maybe Miss all Sunday was actually trying to help.

You dropped the bag of fruits in the kitchen and went out, after walking for a while the smell of cooking meat drew you in to where Luffy, Vivi and Karoo were seated, eating extremely large pieces of meat with a giant. 

"Ah! Y/n you've come." Luffy exclaimed handing you a piece of meat from the giant chunk he was eating from. Eyeing it a little you took a bite and it was in fact delicious, the small part of your tongue that had regenerated allowed you to enjoy the savory meat.

"Delicious right?" Luffy asked and indeed it was, this dinosaur meat was hitting the spot though difficult to swallow. "And who might this be? One of your friends?" The giant asked to which Luffy nodded. Sitting down you got comfortable ready to eat some more meat lifting your mask slightly to expose your mouth and take a bite. A volcano erupted and the giant named Dorry got his sword and shield and went up assuring us that he would be back.

He clashed with another giant sending a huge force outward Luffy even fell down at the severity of the fight that was displayed before our eyes. The food coupled with free entertainment was the perfect pair for the afternoon, you swallowed hard before remembering why you came here. Taking out the book you wrote the question, 'how long will it take the log to be stored?' You placed it before Vivi who was cringing at the thought of violence. 

"A year." She stated deflating. How were we supposed to leave this place? The option of sailing randomly was never closed. Just thinking of how it would work made you laugh slightly. The piece of meat in your hand recaptured all attention and you dived back into the meal, when you had finished eating Dorry returned slightly tired. 

"73,466 duels. 73,466 draws." Wow fighting for a hundred years was really a long time. Dorry took a sip of the sake when it exploded in his stomach. Who could've done something like this? Learning that he had been gifted by Broggy who actually got it from our crew meant that the barrel had been sabotaged, that explosion was meant for us. Dorry was fully convinced we had premeditated his demise which was in fact false. Luffy was tried to convince him that we didn't do anything wrong to no avail.

"Hold this for me." Luffy handed you his hat going to fight Dorry and you scribble something quickly on your sketch book. 'I'm going to look for the perpetrator.' Showing the writing to Vivi you hand her Luffy's hat and run into the forest.

Other people were on this island as well, whoever did it had been watching the dueling go on waiting for this opportunity to strike, you had no such luck in finding anyone so far. All there was, was a bad feeling thank goodness you could talk to Kuro and Shiro telepathically, you released them both. 

To Kuro- Go back to Luffy and see how he's doing
To Shiro- Go get Sanji and bring him to here, if you can't stay with him

With that they ran off you doubted Shiro would be able to find Sanji he was probably lost somewhere with Zoro. You continued to look for whoever had interrupted in the fight but it was no use. Zoro was leaning on a tree but Sanji wasn't anywhere nearby, had their competition ended so quickly? 

Sniffing the air expecting to smell traces of alcohol it was something else, a smell you knew all too well, the faint scent of wet paint. You sprinted in the opposite direction to warn the others but ended up slipping on molten wax, getting trapped. They had targeted us with the painted statues, Nami and Zoro had also fallen victim to the same trap. A guy with a number three on his hair and glasses on walked out from behind a tree.

"I'm surprised you could tell that it was fake, Miss Golden week is the best at realistic painting." Whoever's work that was it was good, you squirmed trying to escape but you couldn't move anything and just hoped the others were okay. 

Vivi got captured and Mr. 3 made a candle set attaching the captives to it claiming he was going to make wax figures out of us in the name of art. These were the people that gave artists around the world a bad name. The other giant was also on the ground trapped in wax there was nothing we could do now but wait. Broggy already knew that Dorry was injured prior to the fight.

This gave him the motivation to fight, so he broke the wax cuffs and got up ready to attack but so was Mr. 5 who threw a bomb booger at him and Mr. 3 took this opportunity while he was down to trap the giant properly making much stronger wax and even going as far as impaling his hands and feet. 

This was going nowhere, Broggy's energy burst was temporary and useless. "I'm getting out of here." Zoro said. "Mr. Bushido.." Vivi always seemed to call him that. "Zoro you don't possibly mean. . ." Nami didn't want to think of what crazy idea he had this time.

"That's right I'm going to cut off my legs and fight."      


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