"Tempting but no. Kindly stand back so I can show you how it's done."
Kidd just looked offended while Law had a smirk and moved behind but not too far. You compressed a large amount of air and had your feet digging into the ground for the stability you would need later.
The translucent paw then floated all the way to the middle of the marines.
"Mini ursus shock!" The paw exploded throwing people back and the ground shook violently, you needed to crouch closer to the ground or you would be sent flying. The dust cleared and there were other fresh marines coming over.
Turning to the three captains it was time to leave.
"Well, I'll leave you guys to it." You then walked to the back of the auction house waiting for the others to leave.They all came out with Sanji in the lead.
"We're going to leave here with Duval's guys." Recently those guys were getting more and more convenient. In a few minutes they showed up and Sanji went to get the captain.
"Let's get out of here!" Luffy climbed on top of the fish and the rest of the crew followed closely. They took them all the way to Shakky's bar which wasn't very far.
"Feel free to call us if you need help. We're at your beck and call until you go to fishman island." They rode off and you guys had to get in and help Hachi.
"Shakky I'm back!" Rayleigh yelled and she came out of the house.
"I'm surprised you found him."
"Prepare a bed for Hachi we have to get him in."
"On it." After things were more settled down and Hachi was patched up, Rayleigh explained who he was.
Luffy, Chopper and Usopp were shocked. Robin and Nami knew the name from countless books.
"The name does sound familiar." Sanji added. They talked of how he was on Gold Roger's crew.
"I seem to vaguely recall a rookie named that long ago but I'm not sure..." Brook piqued at the mention Roger.
"How does such a big shot and an octopus know each other?" Zoro questioned.
"Hachi rescued me over 20 years ago, when I was stranded in the sea."
"He saved his life. He was still a child at the time though." Shakky added.
"Hachi and I remained close after that, until he joined the sun pirates."
"You mean Arlong?" That story would definitely be too long to start telling now.
Those guys saved me you thought to yourself with a small smile making its way onto your face.
"Still. . . Even though Gold Roger was executed 22 years ago, you didn't get your head chopped off for being vice captain? The navy caught the entire crew, didn't it?" Sanji asked.
"We weren't caught. Roger turned himself in."
"The government may have made it sound like they caught him as a way to show its power though."
"The King of Pirates turned himself in? Why?"
"Because we saw an end to our journey. About four years before the day of his public execution, Roger caught a fatal illness. Not even Roger could avoid the suffering that this terminal, incurable disease brought. But there was one man with the skill to ease his suffering.
A man at the twin capes named Crocus, who was the most respected lighthouse keeper and doctor in the sea. We asked for his help and bought him on as a ship doctor for our final voyage. Finally, three years later while managing to escape death, Roger achieved what was said to be impossible, he conquered the Grand line."

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}
RandomShe has been through a lot in life but decides that she wants to see his dream come true. Y/n is on a journey together with Luffy to see first hand how he will change the world but she has some of her own plans . [I will try to follow the story as b...