50. Montblanc

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Zoro's sword was on Bellamy's neck while your gun was pressing dangerously close to his stomach. "What are you doing.?" Bellamy asked the two of you. "That's what we want to know." You removed the safety from the gun and placed your finger loosely on the trigger. If the need to shoot arose you wouldn't waste any time in doing so. Nami noticed the tension and she quickly turned to the bartender to ask what she wanted to before a fight broke out. "We're looking for the sky island." There was silence in the bar and everyone was looking at Nami and we were confused as to why that was so. Nami faced the bartender again to repeat herself. Maybe he hadn't heard her question from all the commotion. "I was asking about the..." The whole bar erupted into uncontrollable fits of laughter. The only ones silent were us and the bartender. He looked at us with pity. Nami's face was scarlet as she tried to hide her embarrassment. "But the log pose is pointing to the sky." She was really fighting for her honor here and there wasn't much that could be done. Luffy finally got up from the ground upset and that when Bellamy started talking.

"The more the grand line is being explored the more these phenomena are being explained even things like the knock up stream are being explained." He then punched Luffy to one of the walls and Nami looked like she was at her breaking point. "Weak pirates like you make strong pirates like us look bad. The era of dreams has ended its time to face the reality of things."

"Forget about the promise guys just beat them up." Seems like Nami was tired of us being treated like dirt. "Zoro, Y/n! Don't take them on no matter what!" Luffy had spoken and you took orders from him not Nami. So now you were standing and bottles were being thrown at you and this kind of looked familiar. Shanks had refused to fight the mountain bandits over something as small as having a drink being spilled on him. This situation was a lot more different than that, it was a stand on beliefs. Bellamy did not believe in dreams but you guys did and he wasn't worth fighting. It would be pointless. The top part of a broken bottle graciously made its way into your thigh and you were spat on by Bellamy before Sarquiss kicked you out. You landed face first. Well mask first and there was someone already outside it was Blackbeard. 

"The sky island exists. Ze  ha ha ha ha." Nami then came out fuming and luckily she was unharmed. Zoro and Luffy had bruises and cuts all over them and the fall made the glass get deeper into your skin. "You guys won the fight. Young lady you have guts of steel." Ha said the last bit to Nami. "The new era of pirates is shit and dreams are still valid." He then got up to leave. "I hope you can go to the sky island." Those were the last words he said before heading in the opposite direction. "He might have known something about the sky island I wonder who he is." Nami looked back at Blackbeard's departing figure. "I wonder too.....and it's not he." Luffy said. 

"Then What is it?"

"They." You and Zoro said at the same time. You know see why Ace needed to take that guy down he was dangerous and you could feel it whenever you were near him. Nami was confused asking what we meant by we as we walked back to the ship. Usopp saw us and called for Chopper to patch us up. "What happened to you guys?" Tony asked as he was inspecting Luffy's injuries. "It's okay now cause it is over." Luffy said with a small smile. Seeing him smile also made you smile. "It's in the past." You added.

"Barely remember it." Zoro concluded but Nami was fuming as to why we didn't fight. Usopp and Chopper keep their distance for the time being. Chopper is done checking everyone when he caught you at a bad time. You were pulling out the last and largest glass piece that was stuck in your thigh. "Ahh! Y/n don't!" Chopper shouted as he came to you but you chose to ultimately ignore it as you pulled out the glass and now there was a hole in your trousers. Chopper was panicking when you picked him up. "Chopper I'm fine I don't really need anything just some food and I'll sleep it off. But if I'm ever in critical condition throw me in some water and I'll be fine." Chopper chose to trust you and Robin came back cheery as ever. 

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now