58. Bell and belfry

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Four days later

You were lying on a platform with a thin blanket as the only thing keeping you warm at the moment. You rolled over and felt the back of your hand slap someone unintentionally though. You heard them groaning.

"Nami wake everyone up we're going to steal the gold and run." Somewhere in Luffy's mind he must have thought that he was whispering but people  were just too hang over to start getting involved. Nami started telling Luffy to keep quiet and it blew up into this whole argument which drew the attention  of literally everyone else which wasn't good. You had to eventually get up. The person you had been hitting in your sleep was Zoro.

After the rest of the crew woke up you were given a quick breakdown by Luffy of what was going to happen. The rest of the people had woken up and so did you guys. It hit you that you had no way of actually coming back here you had to try and create some type of sketches of the place. "Good morning Y/n-swann here is a morning salad for you."

"Thanks Sanji." Sanji had made you a fruit salad which looked amazing. It was made up of different exotic fruits from the island and you couldn't name half of what was in it but it looked wonderful. It was like Sanji's cooking game was upped or maybe he just started giving you the good food. You took a bite and hummed in delight. There were bigger fish to fry you wanted to know where the bell was and everything.

"Why don't you guys go help look for gold, yeah?" Kuro and Shiro both nodded before running after Luffy's group. You reached down to the ground and got a paper as well as a pencil. You were probably going to do some rough sketches of the place seeing as you did not have the  time and add details later. 

You sat down after finding a good view. It was perfect. The angle was just right and that was all you needed. You got a pencil and a sketchpad and started sketching. It was nothing serious just a simple outline with a little details you would definitely be able to fill out the rest from memory.

Sketching reminded you of the project that you had with Robin and never actually completed it. After a few more minutes the sketches were all well and done for now. You wanted to show some of these to Robin but she wasn't anywhere nearby. Some men were passing ahead and thanks to Eneru's fruit which was now yours you were able to listen in.

"Did you hear that they found the bell?"
"Yeah they're getting people to get it out right now."

You put the sketches in the hole and listened closely for people and soon found out where they were. You immediately zapped there and literally made it in the speed of lightning. There were a bunch of men both from skypiea and Shandora struggling to pull the whole thing up from where it fell. You could easily put it one of the holes and help from there but this was a bonding experience what use is it doing everything.

Plus Robin is also here and decided to watch as well, you both waited to see the poneglyph.
After a little more heavy breathing and struggling the group of people had finally pulled it up. You noticed that there were some women in the mix as well. You walked down to see what these guys had protected for generations one after the other.

Robin then started walking to the front of the crowd and you followed slowly behind her as well. The group was confused and tried contemplating whatever the poneglyph was. "We can't read this.. what does it say?"
"Probably something we're better off not knowing." Robin then started speaking.

"Hold our true motive in your hearts and speak not of it. We are the ones who weave history with the sounding of the grand belfry.."

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now