41. Mum

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The people were arguing in dire need of an explanation. "Royal army drop your weapons." The instructions come from a beaten up guy with black hair and rather sharp features. Looking around nobody was really fighting so this was the cue for you guys to leave and find Luffy.

You walked in the direction where Crocodile came from he would probably be around there. It didn't take long until there was an old guy giving an unconscious Luffy a piggyback ride. "Do you mind? He's one of ours." Sanji says pointing to the guy carrying Luffy. After closer inspection this is the face the Bon clay guy had that scared Vivi, probably her father. Before the guy could put Luffy down there was shouting from the back.

"Papa.." Turning behind we saw Vivi running towards us. "Uuh? Papa?" Everyone but you asks.

"The old guy is Vivi's father!" Sanji says shocked. "So you're the king?" Zoro asks needing confirmation.

"Yes I am." He answers and Vivi comes up.

"Where did you guys go I wanted to tell everyone about how you guys helped sav-"

"Vivi, we are pirates there's no need for us to get involved with a country." Sanji answers now carrying Luffy.

"Yeah you guys go on ahead." Usopp says

"I bet they want to hear from their princess." Nami adds. You nod when she looks at you and she goes off with her father once they're out of sight everyone just collapses to the ground. You sat up also exhausted not yet ready to close your eyes just yet, if memory served you right this place was currently crawling with Marines and there was nothing like too safe.

You were slowly dozing off with your right hand on the sword. Everything was getting darker and darker until you heard hurried steps towards you.

"Vice Captain Tashigi straw hat and his crew are here this is our chance to capture them." The feet then got closer and you got up ready to defend.

"You'll capture them once I'm dead. You aren't touching anyone here." To your utmost surprise they didn't attack.

"We are leaving you alone for today." Tashigi said to you before she addressed the marines she was incharge of. "Don't capture them we are leaving." You sheathed the sword. It wasn't everyday that the marines let you off the hook twice in a row. It was just a little reassuring to know that they weren't all vegetables between the ears and had some thinking capacity for themselves. There are probably marines who actually want to see change.

You were now able to lie down comfortably.

A few hours later you woke up in a room and it was early morning and you needed to pee. Throwing caution out the window you took the mask off. To stare at it. Ever since you had willed it into existence it was always there. Whether it broke it would always come back together. Maybe it was the little girl on a boat that day still scared of being hunted down, life was full of uncertainties all round and whatever little bit of it you could control you did the best to.

It was like pushing a pending assignment to the back of your mind trying to put it off until the deadline. You traced the smile carved onto the lower half of the mask. If maybe you just accepted it it would be easier.

You looked around the room and shook your head to yourself. If you did that they would all be in danger and probably be killed and you couldn't let that happen you had come so far, really far. The tears that were threatening to spill suddenly disappeared when someone walked in the room and you were on guard.

It was just Vivi. "Ah Vivi you scared me." You said. Before she responded her eyes were shifting between the mask in your hand amd your face and she quickly pit two and two together. "Y/n?" She asked unsure.

"Yes?" You said slightly chuckling and she moved closer to your face trying to analyse your face with the little sunlight coming from the rising sun. Then it looked like something clicked. She then grabbed your hand and dragged you away. "There's something you need to see." You walked into a room and she started digging through some old stuff. "Papa's going to be so surprised." She then pulled out a picture you didn't quite see it but she just dragged you away to a room where her dad was. She knocked on the door and was let in by the same guy who was telling the royal army to stop fighting.

"Vivi-sama good morning."

"Morning Chaka-san"  You just give the guy a slight wave, he waved back and now you are standing here all awkward. Vivi gives the picture to her father and they exchanged looks before the King asks to speak with you.

"I hear you are one of the people that saved my daughter and brought her back home. For that I am very grateful."

" uhm.. welcome..." This was so weird. He then handed you the picture he was looking at and you took it in your hand and looked at it. There was a woman with blue hair and another with white hair going down to her back stopping at her waist. You tried all you could not to show any reaction to it. "This was taken nearly 27 years ago. It's a picture of my deceased wife, Vivi's mother, and next to her was a woman known as M/n. She used to be a key crew member of the Roger pirates."

You were now whistling trying to act oblivious to what was happening. All six eyes in the room were on you. It was obvious to anyone who had eyes. You were the spitting image of her except your hair was black and your eyes didn't literally reflect the ocean they were e/c. Once upon a time you also had white hair.

This was why you kept the mask on. Worry then took over your face. This country was associated with the world government will they tell them about you. Your mind was racing and you were now taking deeper breaths trying to calm down. You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Vivi standing there. She tried to calm you by changing the topic. "Come see this it's really cool she painted it." She walked toward a painting of the desert which you assumed was Alabasta. It was beautiful.

It looked so real you felt like you could actually walk in it and be in the desert. The king cleared his throat to get back you're attention. You were being  dramatic and there was no point in lying you could only hope to negotiate at this point.

"M/n is my mother."

* We r at 2k reads 🤩

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