26. ⁂ Dr. Kureha ⁂

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It was weird that Blackbeard started his own pirate crew and even came to terrorize a small country, last you had heard he was a Whitebeard member, your mind filled with multiple questions about what had happened. 

On the other hand, the kingdom was now struggling in their health sector, the king had made it so that if anyone needed medical care they had to go to the 20MDs. When the country was attacked Wapol left the citizens to deal with the pirates on their own.

"Wapol? Isn't he the one that attacked the ship?" You nodded to Usopp's statement.

"How horrible that a King would abandon his own people in their time of need. That's not what leaders are supposed to do." Vivi spoke passionately on her beliefs of how a kingdom should run, it was refreshing to see that some monarchs still put the people first. 

Shifting from the Wapol drama it was time to figure out how to melt snow. You stared at it really hard again and nothing happened it was best to try and picture what you wanted. So snow melting was basically it turning into water. Picturing a puddle it began to form so you did it a little further from the group and melted a lot of snow which would eventually freeze back.

You fell on the ground panting with exhaustion, the whole doing things with your head took way too much stamina. Upon returning a fairly large lady brought rumors that the doctor was spotted in the neighboring village Cocoaweed. Everyone got in a sled heading for the village, going after Luffy's group would be too much of a hassle although that's what you preferred to do. On the way the sniper questioned Dalton.

"Dalton. You seem to be an important guy, who are you really?" Usopp asked what was on everyone's mind. You scribbled on your sketch pad. 'devil fruit user?' Blocking his view with the question so he could read.

 "How did you know?" You shrugged your shoulders. 

"I used to be the captain of the royal guard of this country working directly under Wapol. I didn't like how he was running things so I left." Vivi couldn't make out that the King would even drive off those who were loyal to him, he was nothing short of awful.

Arriving at the home she wasn't there, Kureha had just left and they probably passed each other on the way. The next step was to leave and try and catch up to the doctor. You were at the door about to leave when a beaten up man came in holding the door frame for support.

"Dalton-san..." He fell on the ground and Dalton rushed down slightly lifting his head up. 

"It's Wapol he's back, he killed everyone watching the port." Dalton went out, took an animal to wherever he was going and left. You still had your nakama to worry about so whatever Wapol is doing isn't the priority here. Together with Usopp and Vivi you took the sled and released Kuro and Shiro so that they could pull it.

Trying to go back to the village was hard as everything looked the same, white with a few scattered trees here and there. "Do you know where we are going?" Usopp asked Vivi who had a map with her. Taking a look at it you just couldn't make sense of anything. How did Nami even do this? We just continued on straight until we heard some rumbling. 

"There's nothing to worry about I'm here guys." Usopp was clearly shaking through his tough act. The ground was shaking violently and that's when you came to realization of what was actually happening. There was an avalanche and it was coming from the direction that  Luffy and the others had gone. The snow was coming down fast Kuro and Shiro transformed and went into your coat but didn't enter some alternate dimension.

The other two had disappeared and you were standing there alone with the snow making its way over quite fast. You got Adira out and positioned your legs in a stance for better balance. There it was now right in your face all you could see was snow and  this was the perfect time to see if this actually worked. Kuro and Shiro were trying to pull you to go away but you had made a choice that it was now or never. 

When you were about to do it they tripped you making you loose focus and more importantly balance. Layers of the frozen moisture was now weighing you down. You were beyond furious, you could have helped, now Vivi and Usopp were also probably covered with you. Focusing all your energy to your core you melted everything around you and got up shooting a glare towards your beloved pups but after seeing their cute looks of regret you couldn't stay mad for long.

Vivi got up from the snow and started looking for Usopp you also searched around but didn't see anything. There was something sticking out it was a nose, Vivi grabbed it and pulled Usopp out by his nose. He was loosing consciousness and needed to get hit back into reality. 

"Usopp-san!!" Looks like Vivi has it covered, eh a little too covered. Usopp's face was now all swollen and we were walking in the direction we came from. On the way there was some crazy dude who wasn't dressed warmly in this weather. It was Zoro and he looked like he was freezing.

"Ah Vivi, Y/n" He said but took a while staring at Usopp and noticed the nose was his. "Usopp." You all walked back with Zoro still struggling with the weather.

"Usopp give me your clothes."
"No. Deal with it yourself." Usopp's face was almost back to normal with the swelling gradually reducing. 

When you reached the foot of the mountain there was a problem, Wapol's army was going to attack and Dalton was nowhere to be seen. 

"Hey aren't those guys our enemies." Zoro needed confirmation. 

"Yeah I guess they are." Usopp answered. "Then we should definitely fight them." He just wanted to steal their clothes, the uniform was dark green and would match his hair fairly well. When you looked to your side the swordsman was nowhere to be found. 

"Mr. Bushido.?" Vivi was questioning why he was there. 


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*The week has been so busy I'll try to write more chapters today  

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