11. ⁂ Sakana ⁂

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Once Arlong had made himself known Luffy punched him and he went straight through the wall.

"Don't make our navigator cry!" You guys walked into the park. Arlong got back up unharmed. His subordinates were the ones we had to deal with first. Hachi went and made trumpet noises with his mouth. 

"Momoo come here." You turned to Sanji who was next to you. 

"See I told you it was called Momoo." 

"That was probably a lucky guess or something."

The people were getting scared of the creature that destroyed Gosa village they were panicking when said sea cow emerged from the water when it saw us it went back down in the water and clearly didn't want a second beating. As Momoo went into the water Arlong wasn't having it one bit. 

"Momoo and where do you think you're going?" Momoo froze and gained new resolve fueled by fear of Arlong and got ready to attack us. Luffy had been talking of trying something new and that's when you looked down to see him plant his feet into the ground one after the other, this was bad how was he gonna get out? He really didn't think these things through. 

"Guys I think we should run." Zoro says as Luffy gets a hold of Momoo. You guys depart and see the 'idea' he had. 

"Gum-gum pinwheel." He spun Momoo around taking out all those that were with him and he finished off by throwing Momoo far away.

"Give us a warning next time will you," Sanji complained. We were now left with the actual fighters. Hachi then walks up and sprays ink from his mouth and you all dodge except Luffy who can't dodge.

"Why didn't you dodge?" Zoro asked. 

"I'm stuck." Usopp tries to pull Luffy to get him out of the cement but he is glued down and cannot move. Long mouth is about to hit Luffy when Usopp throws and egg at him. The guy starts chasing him and they leave the park still running.  You hoped Usopp could handle him.

 Arlong walks towards us laughing saying he just thought of a game he then sticks his hand in the ground removing Luffy together with the block and throwing him in the water. Oh no.

They want us to jump in the water to save him knowing that's where they're strongest. It was now a race against time unless someone would get to him before we could. Sanji  was looked ready to get into the water. 

"Fishman karate." Sanji was hit but he got back up sending kicks. Suddenly some fins were swung at you and you got down into a split to avoid the attack. It was a huge guy with an orange tinted like skin tone brown hair that reached his shoulders hands that looked like a squid tentacles and there was something else yeah you didn't imagine it electricity was coming from those tentacles.

 So he had those electric eel abilities needed to be careful with that. This was definitely the one guy you could not let into the water he would electrocute everyone but Luffy cause of those rubber properties.

Zoro was dealing with Hachi and he didn't look too good seemed like the injury was taking its effect, you didn't have time to worry about that there was a big problem right in front of you. He tried to punch you multiple times to which you were dodging deftly but when you least expected it a kick landed on your side as well as an electric shock.

 "Aagh." The smell of your flesh burning was very evident. Johnny and Yosaku were very scared for you. That really hurt but you had to get up quickly before you took another hit. You needed to think critically about what you could do about his ability. Avoiding it would be best but in reality the same situation might crop up in the future and it might be worse then.  Zoro was sweating and Sanji looked at him before he was hit. 

"Fishman karate 40th brick fist." Sanji went flying through the walls to the other side. You then jumped up to avoid the swipe from under your feet and then back flipped away to create some distance between the two of you. When landing you underestimated his speed and he came lunging at you and hit you in the gut sending a shock through your body and you crashed into the wall behind Arlong. 

You  got up spitting blood through your mask staining the lower part of it red. You ran forward putting your elbows in front and hit him in the gut throwing him backwards. You jumped up and dropped down your knee into his gut  and he still had his electric shock on so you thought you would try something new. You took in the electricity and fought fire with fire and electrocuted him back. You were on top of him as his body was now fried. You got up and saw Zoro on the ground and Hachi with like six swords. 

"Didn't you say you were gonna get strong." You taunted.

"Shut up." He got up and was ready to fight Hachi you went to a wall and leaned on it. That last move was improvised and it was not very smooth as well, you had taken a lot more damage than expected. Zoro then cuts Hachi up and throws him aside the fishman who uses karate was about to attack Zoro when Sanji came in and blocked him. Sanji then jumped into the water followed by the fishman. 

This was bad those guys are actual demons in the water. Sanji hadn't returned for sometime and you were getting worried, you had healed half of your gut injury and was ready to jump in when they came back to the surface with Sanji desperately needing air and the fishman choking? Whatever it was he seemed to be having trouble breathing.

"So what's the situation?" Zoro inquired.

"We're good for now but I have to go back in there." The biggest problem was probably the rock keeping him down there. The one left was Arlong and the big bad boss was gonna be a problem. While you were still on the ground Sanji and Zoro began attacking to which Arlong just threw some water their way and they were thrown down. 

You then looked and decided to try somethin since your abilities varied and were based on what you could think up you decided to try and freeze the water before it reached you and it was working for a short while until the pain in your body started to take over you had been attacking a little and defending but ended up on the ground next to your fellow crewmates and that's when Nami came.


"What is it Nami? I'm dealing with some pirates."

"I have come to kill you."  


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