32. Scorpion

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Vivi had explained the basics of the plan and now with Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Usopp and Chopper you stood at the gate awaiting the rebel army imposters. Then soon showed up ready to run away but paled at the sight of you guys practically waiting for them outside. The villagers were even cheering them on. "Turn those sea pirates into minced meat." Their leader was panicking. "We have a hundred  million other rebel army members with us." That was way over Alabasta's total population. After Usopp you didn't  fall for such tricks anymore. Luffy was still quite simple minded.  "A hundred million!" Luffy shouted. "They are obviously lying." Sanji said and Chopper was relieved that it was a lie. It seems like he also fell into the trap of misconception. 

Y/n pov 

We were just standing there nobody was doing anything. "Did you try to trick me?" Luffy punched their leader further away and he walks up to him. I'm just standing here watching their interaction. Luffy was thrown back with a punch falling landing harshly on his bottom. The other group members are getting ready to square up I make Adira materialize in the off chance that we had to fight before I can attack I feel a hand landing on my shoulder, "We need to go, Vivi gave the signal." Usopp then turns to Sanji and we head off. "Ugh these guys are way too strong." He starts. "That's the rebel army for you." Sanji continues.

"We never had a shot." I yell as we get away. "I suck at plays at this." It was Zoro behind me clearly embarrassed with the whole thing. 

A little while later the usual was happening. Luffy was spilling water and someone was shouting at him. "Ace brought a lot of water ," this was his defense to any accusations that made their way to him. I was lying on Shiro's back resting facing the sky. "Sanji give me water." 

"I only carry water for Nami-swan and Vivi-chwan." I didn't want to overwork Shiro but all this walking was all the more tiring. I covered my face from the blinding light that was endlessly birthed from the sun. Just like fire it bore life and took it away just as easily. "I'd like to know the story of the rebel army," Nami was talking to Vivi but I just couldn't help but also want to know. Information is very powerful. Shiro walked closer. "I would like to know too." I spoke up after getting near enough to hear and be heard. 

Vivi began explaining in detail about her childhood friend Koza and how they would always play with the others. The community seemed so tight knit and close. This was probably what we were saving, the relationship that the people had with one another and all they had built over the years. I read somewhere that Alabasta had a 4000 year history I would love to take a look at the history books when this is all over hopefully I can get a some answers no matter how small. There was a lot of noise in the back so I sat up and saw a scorpion that was killed. I was munching on a piece of scorpion when Vivi continued. "Him and his father left to start building the town of Yuba. " That's where Vivi ended her tale. "But what does this have to do with the rebel army?" Nami questioned the point of the narrative if it didn't eventually lead to what we were fighting against. "My childhood friend Koza is the current leader of the rebellion army, the one we are going to meet."

There are some rocks ahead and we decide to stop here for a lunch break. I sit with Nami and Vivi wanting to hear more of this story. A fight breaks out again but now it was about food. Nami stood to handle it hitting Zoro and Luffy. Zoro's meat that Luffy tried to steal started floating away. I stood up and swallowed what was left of my lunch tilting my mask back down before following the food. Ace had reached before me standing on the rock. The children that were two boys argued that they wouldn't give the food back. The pulled out a pistol and panicked shooting Ace. He blocked the bullet with a rock. Everything was just a little too fast for me. "You guys shouldn't have something dangerous like that." I wanted to get the gun out of their hands but it was too far. I stretched my hand out and it floated into my hand. Thank goodness for the unpredictability of my skill set. "Are you the real fire fist Ace? Please help us find this man." This was always the case someone wants to fight Ace but when they can't they need help. One of the boys took out a photograph from their pocket and lifted it up. Ace took it and you all scooted to see the person. The gunshot alerted the rest of the crew and they came here. 

"It's the bounty hunter Scorpion who was said to  have defeated Blackbeard. He's the man I came to look find." Ace explained. I needed a closer look at this person who defeated someone with the will of 'D' . "He looks so weak there's no way." Usopp gladly said what everyone was thinking. 

"We're about to find out. Someone's coming." Ace stated. Chopper sniffed the air. "Two people and an animal." Luffy then appears with another man and they are both riding an ostrich. The man was Scorpion. Ace goes and fights the guy, it was so one sided it was slightly sad. I sat on a rock waiting for this fight to end. When scorpion was on the ground the boys ran down to him. "Chi chi please stop this you can't win." They ran up and hugged the man. "Chip!  Dip! When did you leave the badlands?" The rest of the conversation was more hushed but I  could make out crying. "Popo  get the bazooka." The ostrich brought the extremely large gun but he didn't use it. His sons convinced him to just go back home. But in all honesty that was some lazy naming Chip and Dip. The bazooka went off and the rocks started falling on the family. Ace and Luffy protected them and they said they were off to the badlands. "There's nothing for me here so I'm going leave, I heard rumors of where Blackbeard went so I'll go there."  Ace placed his hand on my head and I wished he hadn't. 

I looked up and it was dark I don't know where this is. Turning around to get a better view of my surroundings someone comes in they look like a guard and they light a lamp. I tried to look into the first cell and there was no one or they were too far back to see, I can't tell. I turn behind and the guard walks right through me like I wasn't even there after their figure disappeared I looked down .It was Ace he was all in chains and beaten up. Next to him was someone blue and then I felt a sharp pain in the side of my head.

When I lifted my head it was Ace smiling down at me. "Aww sad I'm leaving?" He teased as he laughed. I wrapped arms around him fighting the pounding in my head as well as tears welling up. "Mmh. Be safe." I let him go and he gave Luffy a paper. "It's just a paper." Luffy wasn't too excited with his facial features scrunching unpleasantly. "It will bring us together again, I can take it if you don't want it." 

"I'll keep it." We waved bye to Scorpion and his family but when we turned back Ace was gone. The next time I see him might not be too pleasant.

*Decided to switch povs for easier writing. If anyone knows how to use AO3 lmk

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