12.⁂ Desk ⁂

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Nami was standing there all bandaged with the straw hat ready to fight, she also had her stick with her. Arlong spoke of how she had tried to kill him over the years and nothing had seemed to work. She tried everything from poisoning to sneak attacks but they all failed as he was still alive and well. 

Arlong began to shift back into his old manipulating tactics giving Nami the choice to either, kill everyone but her and make her continue working for them or to let him kill us and he would spare the village. The options all ended with the same thing Nami lacking her own freedom and was still chained down to this poor excuse of a crew. 

You could see her thinking it over, this was a good chance to do your own analysis and judgment of character. She turned around to the Cocoyashi villagers.

"I'm sorry guys but will you die with me?" You were happy to know she had put her faith in your captain. That's what it meant to be a pirate, even when hardships come never to doubt your captain and to keep chasing your goal as it comes. Everyone's attention was shifted to a pillar of water shooting up into the sky, that was probably Luffy you all got up and Sanji began to take off his shoes.

"Thirty seconds that's all I can give you." Zoro stated getting ready to fight.

"Double it." you said getting up as well ready to fight. You guys needed to buy enough time so that Sanji could go and break that rock. Sanji dove into the water. Usopp shows up and shoots an egg towards Arlong who easily catches it and is unbothered. 

"I've got your back," Usopp shouts all the way from the hole Sanji had formed. Seemed like he had defeated Choo. Arlong couldn't believe that his brothers had been taken down by mere humans. He came charging and you used your scythe to push him backwards before he came again and Zoro stopped him with the swords he got from the fight with Hachi.

 You looked behind and saw the octopus himself start to get up but was covering his face as he was also fooled by Usopp. He got angry and jumped into the water and you followed not wanting to underestimate them. He started swimming towards Sanji to stop him when Nojiko blocked his path before he could even hit her he seemed to freeze up before dropping down.

You breathed out a sigh of relief before inhaling again. Wait. WHAT!!

That's right you had just inhaled the water? Something else that was completely a mystery but you were grateful this could be of use later in life. Sanji broke the rock and together with Nojiko headed up you moved in the water for a while taking in the air? Just to be sure the pain wasn't making you hallucinate, it was real you could breath under water. 

You got up and crawled to one of the walls. You saw Luffy in the air going up and throwing Zoro behind him. Zoro came crawling out of the water swearing that he was going to kill Luffy. You laughed slightly and winced at the pain. Zoro then looked at you with a devilish smirk and a mocking tone. 

"What happened I thought you were strong?" 

"Huh touché." You climbed up to see even if it was a little of the fight. Luffy had given Arlong some so called warm-up hits.

Arlong got up and attacked Luffy with his teeth that broke the stone pillar behind them. Such a strong jaw. Luffy in a desperate attempt picked up two of Hachi's swords and began attacking him. He was swinging the swords aimlessly and Arlong destroyed them.
"So you can't use swords."

"Yeah! I can't  use swords, I don't know how to sail the seas, I can't cook, I can't lie and whatever Y/n does, I can't live without help."

Yeah what were you in reality to the crew? Just there as an npc and background character?

"How pathetic, your crew must be tired of having such an incompetent captain."

You just laughed at that. Luffy was the furthest thing from responsible but he was still your captain non the less. Luffy punched shark face and his teeth broke before he grew a whole new set in a couple of seconds. I didn't know they grew back so fast. They go back and forth before Luffy says he has an idea. He was probably going to give him a taste of his own medicine. He took Arlong's teeth and put them in his mouth biting down on him and even doing his evil laugh.

 Luffy got his hand bit on and he slams Arlong down to get him to stop biting . Arlong jumped into the water and came out with another attack.

"Shark dart." His nose was breaking everything even the ground was destroyed by his actions. Usopp could really use that nose routine. You go back down sore from hanging on the wall to focus on healing yourself.

You really thought hard about the breathing under water thing and maybe you had some fishman genes but it wasn't adding up, at least this narrows it down slightly into getting your lineage. But the whole fish genes was just becoming more and more unlikely as time went by.

The fight was a little too quiet for your liking. You looked back up and there was nobody there, they must have gone inside or something. Then out of nowhere a desk came flying down from one of the upper rooms. Followed by multiple papers and some books as well.

The wind pushed one if the papers into your hands and it was a sea chart a good one too, that must have been where Nami was working from and these were hers. It was best to let them go. You then saw a leg go up into the sky and come crashing down destroying the whole building started crashing down but after all Luffy was nowhere to be seen. After a while he jumped out of the the rubble.

"Nami! Your my friend!"

"Nami! Your my friend!"

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*I eventually plan to make reader over powered but these things take time.

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now