"Be careful that man is a navy admiral!" Robin stated.
"It's too late for you now 120 million Pirate hunter Zoro. I heard that you're quite the swordsman, but a one hit knock out? Your exhaustion must have really built up." The admiral dressed in yellow from head to toe was talking rather slowly.
Okay Y/n you can do this just go.
After psyching yourself up you tried to remember that feeling when you were fighting Kuma. He was probably a logia type. You jumped kicking him and it actually worked pushing him back slightly but his leg made contact with your abdomen sending you flying to the Mangrove.
"Y/n!" You had accomplished your goal his fruit was now in your possession.
"Huh! Why did she do that? I heard you were careless but that was too extra Grim reaper Y/n."
You got up coughing but fell face forward to the dirt beneath your feet. A few seconds to recover were necessary, after all it was an Admiral's hit you just took. Kizaru turned back his attention to the swords man on the ground.
"Now you have a nice long rest." Kizaru's illuminated foot hovered dangerously close to Zoro's face.
"If he's hit with that he'll die!"
"Zoro!"Usopp and Brook started attacking the admiral to no avail everything just went through him, logia types were a headache to deal with.
"It's no use I ate the pika-pika no mi, you see, I'm made of light. I'm a logia."
"This can't be for real he's going to die." Nami was hopeless.
"Zoro! Run! Zoro!" Chopper yelled. You were unable to move as well.
"It's no good! The bastard's at his limit now!"
"Veinte Fleur's!" Robin started rolling the man away but Kizaru warped and stepped on his body.
"I won't let you move it's no use. Now you die." His foot moved obliterate him but was stopped.
It was Rayleigh he kicked the leg and redirected the attack right behind you and it hit the tree.
"You're getting involved in this. . . . Dark king Rayleigh."
"Don't be plucking these young sprouts. Their era is just about to begin!"
"Thank goodness."
The two of them conversed.
"I don't suppose you could overlook them, Kizaru-kun?"
"Give me a break! If I don't catch these kids, we at Navy Headquarters will lose face with the Celestial dragons in Marījoa. Could I ask you not to get in the way?"
"Usopp! Brook! Take Zoro and escape!" They took him and started running. You were barely able to get up but started walking away.
"Everyone focus on escaping! As we are now, we can't beat these guys!"
"How noble yet annoying!" Kizaru tried escaping from Rayleigh but it didn't work, the former pirate expected it and was ready to counter.
Franky attacked Px-1 to stall the incoming beam and it worked temporarily just like everything they had tried recently, nothing was a permanent solution. Your walk turned into a slow jog.
"O-san! Thanks!" Luffy thanked the old man and took his leave as well.
"Yeah! I pray for your safety!" Rayleigh yelled back.

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}
RandomShe has been through a lot in life but decides that she wants to see his dream come true. Y/n is on a journey together with Luffy to see first hand how he will change the world but she has some of her own plans . [I will try to follow the story as b...