62. Going Merry

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The silence was deafening. Awkwardness hang in the air, you could try and cut the tension with a knife and still fail. Even Mihawk would have some trouble with this one. Anyone that dared try to speak in was a fool at this moment. 

"What!?" Usopp finally spoke.

"I'm sorry that I made the decision without consulting you. But I've already made my decision. The Going Merry took good care of us, but our journey with her ends here." Luffy's explanation was really good in your opinion. 

That awkward silence came back and nobody was willing to interfere again. It would be best the two of them handle it as best as they could between captain and crewmate. 

"And... I took a look at the catalogue that Ice-osan gave us. While checking the ships in it I noticed that they're quite a few kinds. If we get a used one 100 million will allow us to buy a bigger ship than Merry."

"Wait..wait....a sec. You're taking the joke too far. That's ridiculous. Right?" Usopp said looking around waiting for the rest of the crew to back him up on this.

"See? Chopper took it seriously. Seriously, what'll we do with our captain? Say something to him Nami." Nami just looked away and kept quiet. Usopp should have figured out by now that this was no joke everyone was dead serious.

"Well... does that mean that we don't have enough money for the repair? Because I got the money stolen?" Usopp had lost sight of what the point was here and would probably start blaming himself all over again for the theft of the money. Luffy was quick to reassure him, what would be difficult was the whole acceptance.

"No....that's not it!"

"Then why?! Spit it out ! Are you trying to be considerate to me?!" 

"I'm not! It has nothing with the money being stolen."

"Then why are you saying stupid stuff like getting a new ship?!" This was escalating now.

"Hey, stop it, both of you! What good will fighting do?" Zoro said and you decided to give your two cents as well. 

"Yeah just calm down and talk!" You said looking at both. You honestly preferred to table the discussion for now and pick it up later but the tension was too high for that. 

"How can I calm down when he starts saying stupid stuff." You weren't too pleased with Usopp's tone. 

"Hey! He's captain!" You said trying your best not to shout.

"Hey! This is an important matter don't get so worked up." Nami said facing to Usopp. 

"She's right Usopp you need to rest or you won't get better." Chopper said walking towards him and pleading as well. Everyone in the room knew he wasn't going to listen.

"Who cares about my body?! How can I be quiet when our captain casually says we'll get a new ship?!" 

"It's not casual! I made the decision after agonizing over it." They were now in each others faces.

"What and how did you agonize over to make this kind of decision?!" Usopp snatched the catalogue from Luffy and threw it on the ground stepping on it.

"Don't say such a thing while waving this stupid thing around." He was referring to the catalogue.

"What'd you do that for?!" Luffy was nearing his break point.

"Guys, let's stop this." You said but all words fell on deaf ears for the intended..

"It's an eyesore. Luffy if it wasn't because we got our money stolen, then why?! Luffy  ,why don't you say it?! Oi why are you keeping so quiet. Give me a good reason."

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