83.௹ 'Fire fist' Ace ௹

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"Don't let those two notorious rookies escape! Luffy is revolutionary Dragon's son and Y/n is 'the white devil' Rhaeny's daughter." Sengoku stated

Gasps erupted from the fighters when they heard who the two were. Luffy being here was comforting for her and gave her the needed energy and boost to keep going forward.

Geko Moria came to attack but Jimbei held him off, the now ex Shichibukai was handling the stronger marines while the two were rushing to Ace.

She sliced some enemies here and there while Luffy kicked and punched. As Y/n was clearing the path of marines for Luffy, Smoker had come back ready to fight pinning Luffy with his large sai tipped with sea prism.

Before she could help Boa Hancock intervened and kicking the marine captain away.


You had to blink twice to ensure you weren't imagining things. Boa Hancock the number #1 hater of men just saved Luffy and looked like she was blushing.

"How dare you hurt my beloved I will cut you up into tiny pieces and feed you to my beasts." Beloved? Since when?

"Thanks Hancock." She handed him a key and started muttering things to herself.

You ran ahead with Luffy and Kuma was there.

"Kuma what are you doing here?" Looked like Ivankov knew him. Another warlord in a pink jacket came round.

"This isn't the same Kuma that you knew. He underwent body modification to make him a human weapon. Dr. Vegapunk did it, Pacifista PX-0. He doesn't even remember being human."


"Kuma would never do that he hates the government. I'll deal with him you two go ahead." He stayed behind. It seemed that people were now willing to cover our asses.

While running a slash came for us. I was barely able to dodge it, it was Mihawk.

He was smirking, glad that I was able to avoid it. On the battlefield whether he knew me or not wasn't of importance. He came here to fight Whitebeard and since I was with him he would fight me too.

It was like the Warlords weren't taking this fight as seriously, they all had their own agendas coming here.

He continued attacking us but not until the Whitebeard commanders came and protected us. I hadn't paid mind to it earlier but there was something putrid in the air a stink almost.

It was the smell of blood from the  fallen infiltrating the air. The reality of what war really was began to dawn on me.

While moving in I hear explosions go off at the back. They brought almost 50 pacifistas that were destroying the ships. They really didn't want us to escape.

I also took note of how the marines were retreating inwards even though they clearly outnumbered us. While all this was going on Whitebeard got stabbed by one of the allies. This was going downhill faster than I could even comprehend.

He accused the man of conspiring with Sengoku so that Ace would be saved and the rest die. Of course the old man forgave him.

Whitebeard broke the ice Aokiji made assuring his sons that they may flee whenever they pleased.

Whitebeard jumped down from the ship and one of the marine giants started running towards him.  He hit the air and then pulled down. The ground and the sea started to tilt.

This fruit is actually crazy glad I got it.

While we were running metal walls started to go up and block our way from the plaza. That's why they were running away.

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now