55. Ark Maxim

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Eneru started laughing when he heard of the rebellion. "So you are telling me to die ? Listen to yourselves." He didn't look too pleased with the idea of people actually standing up for themselves and all. He sighed and also prepared fur battle.
"As expected of the games' survivors, a defeated god that wishes for peace, a Shandorian warrior and thieves from the blue sea.
I have a place to return to a place befitting of someone like me. Endless vearth. The root of your conflict lies in a deeper place. This place is unnatural."

The sky knight couldn't believe what was coming out of Eneru's mouth. "Impossible."

"As God I am adhering to nature and this land is misplaced it should be returned to the place it came from," Eneru spoke all highly.
"Don't be conceited the real God doesn't live on earth." Gan Fall said.
"Six hundred and fifty soldiers this morning completed their work." 

Your mind was now thinking of all the possible ways to escape without being noticed. It would be better to accomplish the main goal than get distracted by whatever happened, that was what you would like to say but looking at the way Chopper was in horrible shape the whole thing had become personal. If he planned to return the Upper yard back to the ground this would lead to problems down the line as well as a lot of life lost. This probably wouldn't sit well with Luffy seeing as  you hadn't found even an inkling of gold. 

Gan Fall started running directly for Eneru. "You plan to destroy Skypiea like you did with your homeland Birka. You are a Devil!" He shouted with his spear ahead of him. Attacking headfirst was good but only in theory the reality of the matter was that the man that stood before us had a very overpowered Logia devil fruit and  developed haki. You were somewhat happy to meet him up here for if the fruit were to be found down below it would be disastrous.

"1 million, 10 million, 20 million volts Vaari." There was no room for Gan Fall to dodge, you watched as he got shocked and fell onto the ground. 
"Now shall I bring you to the endless Vearth to God's land." Seeing as Gan Fall had fallen we were now 6 and apparently the desired number. You had no idea where he even wanted to take you guys. 
"What if we refuse?" Zoro said with his eyes hooded.
"Why? It's God's will" He said matter-of-factly. I thought Gan Fall had made it rather clear that he actually wasn't god.

"If you destroy this place you won't get the thing you want the golden bell." Robin was quick to begin negotiating in an attempt to save our lives. Eneru's hands began to glow and in a matter of seconds you watched as his hands began to glow.

I looked to my side and there was a bright flash of light. Robin was hit. The smell of burnt meat made it's way into my nostrils. "Did you think you would outsmart me? I hate calculating women." Zoro had Robin in his hands preventing her from falling to the ground. 
"She's a woman!" Zoro said all angry.
"I can see that."

"Zoro if you can't counter there's no point." I told him. It was unnerving that Robin had been taken down so fast.
"Well I don't plan on doing nothing." He placed the Wado Ichimonji in his mouth and headed straight for the self-proclaimed god. He tried to cut him down but the blades went straight through him. I turned and saw as the guerilla was also getting ready to attack there was no escaping this fight. 

If only you were an insulator then maybe. If you were like Luffy. But you weren't and thinking about it now was pointless and would only lead to frustration. You could only take from the fight with the fishman and redirect the lightning. 
"Aren't you scared?" Eneru asks Zoro.
"I don't fear anything." Zoro was confident in taking him down this led to Eneru stopping to stand still. He shot some lightning at Zoro which he couldn't dodge well and fell to the ground. Eneru then walked closer to his charred body and stepped on it. " People fear death.."

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now