27. Chopper

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Zoro defeated those guys by stealing their swords and proceeded to steal their clothes. The citizens were then in a panic and were digging up the snow. "Dalton-san!"
"Who is this Dalton guy anyway?" Zoro asked as you two just stood there watching as everyone else dug up the snow. "That doesn't matter right now you two come and help." Usopp said, he and Vivi were already hard at work digging. Before Zoro went you held his arm back. "Eh what is it?" You then brought your hands together and separated them kind of like swimming in the air. "Clear?" You then nodded your head. Zoro then told the people who were there to stop digging and move aside. This time you made sure that Kuro and Shiro weren't there to spoil your work. They hid behind Vivi and Usopp. You touched the ground and pulled out Adira and got into a stance. But before that you wrote something down. 'Hold onto something.' Thank goodness your fellow crewmates were patient with you. "Oi everyone hold on tight to something." Usopp shouted and everyone held onto something from poles to buildings. Placing the book away you got into the stance again. You breathed in and out to calm the nerves. This would be embarrassing if nothing happened. 

You swung back before bringing the scythe forward with force and stopped before hitting the snow. Nothing happened for the first few seconds but the wind picked up extremely strong people were lifted off the ground but were holding on for dear life your robe was moving and dancing with the wind, the wind then started making the ground shake and you moved away as the snow began to lift off the ground. It  carried the layer of snow up that melted into water and then poured all off it far off. Everyone came out and the ground was back to its normal level and there was Dalton lying with some arrows in his chest. "Y/NN!! You've killed him," Usopp was shaking you and everything. 
"There is no heart beat." One of the villagers informed us. "See!" You just shook your head at Usopp's antics. Plus with a closer look the guy was fine he wasn't dead but he sure was dying.

 The twenty MDs just came from nowhere seems they were trying to avoid the wind you brought about earlier. "We can  save him its the cold making it seem like there is no heart beat." You sat down and you were sweating . Guess things like this needed practice and just can't be done off the bat. The doctors didn't have a choice but to work for Wapol. These people the guy is already dying just let the doctors help him. The did some work on him and he got up and had to go stop Wapol from reclaiming the throne. If he was heading to where Luffy was, Luffy would very much  handle him efficiently. Usopp saw Dalton's determination and tried to even carry him up the mountain. "I still don't know who this guy is." Yes Zoro was still in the dark for some reason nobody explained. You write down a summary and he kind of gets the whole  thing. He carries the guy effortlessly. You also get up to go and start climbing the mountain. "Hey there is a rope way you guys can take and it will lead you there directly." Wow how convenient. Where was this route when you guys brought a dying person literally. 

You went and the people were also fired up and you were so many on the cart. You clicked at the fact that Nami could have been helped sooner. Wait your tongue was fully back and your throat felt much better you were almost healed. This ride was taking too long you tapped Zoro on the shoulder and pointed to his back. He was slightly annoyed but he had made a promise. You got on his back and pointed towards the back and that's where he went. You held your palms in a praying motion and then faced your palms ahead and a strong wind seemed to originate from your hands. Nobody was ready for the force that pushed the cart forward and almost everyone fell. "Give a warning before doing stuff like that." Zoro was literally screaming over his shoulder with shark teeth. The ride just wasn't moving so you made it move. "Hmp" 
"Was that a sound is your voice back?" Zoro was now curious and you nodded. You thought that most of it was back.

Zoro walked off and Usopp followed he seemed a bit scared like he didn't want to get off. You just watched as the metal door rose and Zoro walked out. You were still being carried around cause why not. The last blast really took the wind out of you. "What are you laughing at." You just looked away embarrassed to be caught laughing at nothing. There was something that was coming flying down and you moved Zoro to avoid getting hit and it was Luffy who had landed. "I thought you were the bad guys, you have the same clothes."

"Usopp I met the coolest guy and he's going to join our crew." Luffy was talking when a reindeer came out, "I didn't say I would join." The blue nosed reindeer shouted back. It was the same creature you had seen in your vision. "It can talk!!Monster!" Luffy then hit Usopp on the head for his words. "Don't call him that." Luffy then went running after him. You got off Zoro's back and also went to see the reindeer he was just too cute you had to hold him. You guys spent a load of time looking for the little guy who you learned was. Tony tony Chopper. You were exhausted. Nami and Vivi came out from the castle with an unconscious Sanji being dragged behind. You needed to leave if you guys wanted to stop Crocodile in time. Somehow Luffy was able to convince Chopper to join you guys. Chopper then came running towards you guys in a whole different form and was being attacked by the doctor lady who you never actually got to meet.

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