85. ௹ Memories ௹

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Y/n was now doing the workout which was a 10 km run, 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats. This for the type of power Lhysa described sounded like a joke.

Once done exercising she read some of the books took a shower and went to check on Luffy.


You were sore from everything, it was tiring but we're you really that unfit? Yes yes you were, strong but unfit. On your way to check on Luffy Ghîldora was cuddling your legs. He was so cute.

"Come on let's go see the captain." You picked him up and walked into the sub.

You went straight to the room Luffy was in and sat there holding his hand.

Law was coming to check on him when you were there. He swore your eyes were golden in the earlier parts of the day but now they were a darker blue.

"Is he going to wake up?" You asked still studying Luffy's face.

"That depends on his will to live."

"He's strong, I know he'll pull through." You have always trusted in Luffy's ability to bounce back especially when things got bad not just cause he was rubber.

"What about you how do you feel?" Law asked.

"Aside from being tired I think I'm mostly okay."

"Come here, let's do a quick check up." You followed the older man to an adjacent room and sat on the bed. You weren't one to be scared but he made you feel slightly nervous and self conscious when you were around him.

He brought out a stethoscope and  placed it on your chest then wrote something down on a paper. He did a reflex test and everything was normal until it came to your eyes. He flashed a light in it and they were still dark blue.

"That's odd." He murmured but you heard. Must have been the lighting.

"What is?" You asked confused and now the eyes were brown. He looked closely and confirmed that he was actually sane and not imagining things. He didn't wanna go that low but it was necessary, he pretended to continue checking your eyes and asked.

"How do you feel about what happened with Ace?" It started from the pupil going outward as the brown shifted to a deep blue.

"I guess I'm still sad about it."

"It'll take time to heal." He said and sat at the desk. You crossed your arms and looked at Law.

"What's the catch why are you helping Luffy?" He looked at your now steel grey eyes letting out a low chuckle.

That was kinda hot.

"I have a plan but it's for much later." You just nodded, he hadn't given you a reason to suspect him so you asked something else.

"If I may ask, are you from the North blue?"

"Yes I am."

"I think we might have met a long time ago."

"That we did."

"You knew and didn't say anything? I knew I recognised that mushroom somewhere." You said referring to his hat and he just laughed.

"How's Corazon?" You asked expectantly and Law's face contorted into a sad smile before he answered.

"Corazon died a long time ago."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know." You regretted bringing up the sensitive topic.

"It's okay." He answered looking at your now orange irises.

Goddess of Death. One Piece X F!Reader  { ON HOLD:UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now