Fast Car

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It's been two weeks since Ezra and I went to Maranello. The day after we toured the Ferrari Academy and when Ezra got to spend time with the Leclerc brothers, he was beaming when I picked him up. He would not stop talking the whole way home, talking about how great the brothers are, how Charles spent so much time helping him out and telling him stories of his karting days. Everything he told me about Charles has forced it's way into my brain. I only saw Charles in passing when I picked Ezra up, and I've come to the resolution that I won't be seeing him again. At least not for awhile. Ezra and I are currently lounging on the couch, watching Yellowstone. Scratch that, I'm watching Yellowstone while he's on his phone, texting god knows who. I kick him lightly with my foot to get his attention, to which he looks up with a silly smile on his face. 

"Who are you texting? A girl?" I ask, lifting my eyebrows up and down with insinuation. He laughs and shakes his head.

"No, I'm in a group text with Arthur and Charles." He responds and my body immediately reacts when I hear Charles' name which is a major problem. I make a noncommittal noise and turn back to the tv screen, but I don't see a thing. My focus is shot, and now I'm thinking about Charles and what he's been doing the past two weeks. I know he had a race last weekend in Montreal and he ended up finishing in P2.

"Mama, Charles wants to know if you've been listening to any new Spotify playlists lately...?" Ez asks and I furrow my brows because that's an odd question to ask but then I remember Charles took my phone when I showed him that Gracie Abrams song. I grab my phone beside me and open up Spotify, going to my playlists and right there on top is a new playlist titled 'le soileil et la lune'. When I open it, I notice that there is a collaborator, which ends up being Charles. There's currently only one song on it... 'Adventure of a Lifetime' by Coldplay. Is he trying to tell me something or did he only add it because it's maybe his favorite Coldplay song? Does he want me to add songs? I decide that he wouldn't have made it a collaborative playlist if he didn't want me to add songs. For a few minutes I think of what song to add when I decide on 'Fast Car' by Luke Combs.

"Mama, now Charles wants to know if he can have your number?" Ezra asks me a few minutes later and I hate how excited that makes me. I try to act cool but fail miserably when my face lights up with a smile.

"Sure." I try to reply with ease but in the inside I'm freaking out. Ezra rolls his eyes at me but in my peripheral I can see that he's smiling when he goes back to his phone.

A few minutes later my phone vibrates next to me and I try not to rush to grab it but fail miserably. I quickly open up the new text message and read it quickly. I'm practically convulsing as I read what it says and Ezra is looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Please don't tell him you just saw me do that." I beg and he promises me he won't even though I don't believe him.

Unknown: Go on a date with me.
Me: Who is this?
Unknown: You know who.
Me: Arthur?
Unknown: Wrong brother.
Me: Lorenzo?
Unknown: Try again.
Me: Henri?
Unknown: Lydia...
Me: Are you sure you want to go out on a date with me?
Unknown: Of course I'm sure. Why wouldn't I be?
Me: 1. I have a kid. 2. I'm what, five years older than you?
Unknown: 1. He's closer to an adult than a kid. Plus I love kids. 2. Five years isn't that much. If roles were reversed you wouldn't have an issue.
Me: You make good points...
Me: Fine. When?
Charles: Tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 7.
Me: What should I wear?
Charles: Keep it casual and comfortable.
Me: Okay, see you tomorrow.
Charles: Goodnight mon soleil.
Me: Goodnight Henri.

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