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We have been in Monaco for about a week and a half and I've already fallen in love with the country. Again, I'm having a hard time believing that I belong in a place like this, with so much wealth it's almost too much. But day after day Charles tells me how I belong, and I'm starting to maybe believe it. Things between us have been going amazing, I've never been so happy and I starting to think I'm ready for the world to know that we are together but still not completely sure. 

I'm currently at a small cafe with Kelly having brunch. I've spent a lot of time with her, Penelope and Max since I've been here and it's wonderful having a good friend. I just told her about how I think I'm ready to go public, and she's been giving me advice on how to handle things. She and Max had some trouble at the beginning of their relationship since there was some drama around it mainly because of who Penelope's dad is. Our situations are definitely different but I take her advice into consideration. I still need to talk to Charles about it. He's been busy the past couple of days filming some content for his YouTube channel and for Ferrari.

He's been seeing Joris a lot, and although he hasn't told me he's seen Charlotte; I know that he probably has. I'm afraid to ask him about it since I don't want him to think I'm trying to keep him away from her. I know they are friends, but it's hard to not be intimidated by her and their past. When Kelly and I go our separate ways, I do some window shopping as I walk along the street heading towards Charles' apartment. I periodically snap some photos of things I find beautiful, wanting to remember everything about this place. 

I'm stopped on the side of the road, taking a photo of the harbor, when I hear people shout. I turn to look at what they are shouting at and see Charles' Ferrari Pista 488 making its way down the street. It makes me smile seeing people get so excited that it's him. I am near the street by the time he's passing, and somehow we make eye contact. We both break out in smiles, and I give him a flirty wink. He continues driving and I turn to continue on with my walk back to his apartment. A moment later though, my phone is ringing in my hand.

"You shouldn't be on the phone while driving, it's not safe." I answer with a laugh.

"I'm about to park right now. Where are you headed?" He asks and I stop walking, and lean against a planter overlooking the harbor.

"I was just going on a leisurely stroll back to your apartment."

"Do you want to come with me to pick something up and then we can head back together?" He asks and I happily agree since I haven't seen him as much the past few days. We hang up and Charles finds me a few minutes later, then we're walking side by side heading to wherever he's picking something up. 

We end up walking into a jewelry store and I narrow my eyes at him as he gives me a cheeky smile. The sales associates immediately come to help us, since everyone knows Charles here. They speak in French so I have no idea what's being said but one of the sales associates keeps throwing me glares throughout the conversation. I politely step away from the conversation, and browse the display cases while Charles is busy.

There is so many beautiful pieces and it's hard not to lust after some of them, particularly a collection called Soleil. I'm staring at a necklace that has two suns connected by rays in gold with little diamonds encrusted. It's gorgeous and the best part is it's adjustable so you can make it short or long. There's even a matching ring and earrings that are just as beautiful. While I'm admiring the pieces, the sales associate who was glaring at me, approaches me from behind the counter with a fake smile. She starts speaking in French but I do the universal sign of not understanding. She laughs under her breath before speaking in English.

"You know, just because you're here with him now; doesn't mean you belong here. Trashy American's aren't meant to be with Monegasques." She whispers with a smile, then proceeds to pull out the necklace like she's showing it to me and continues.

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