American Money

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Lydia's POV

When we walk outside to the car, the weather has changed and there are dark clouds hovering above us. A crack of thunder rumbles around us and I feel a rain drop fall onto my forehead. I look up at the sky and realize we need to try to get to the car quick before the sky opens up. Grabbing Charles hand, I start running towards the parking structure. I'm sure we look ridiculous, Charles carrying loaded bags and me dragging a suitcase after us but I don't care. Even with the running we don't make it before the sky starts dumping rain. A squeal as we continue to run, the rain completely drenching us in the process.

A few moments later we finally make it to the parking structure but it doesn't matter, we're completely soaked. My white teeshirt is so see through that you can see the outline of my bralette and my jeans are stuck to me. I can't help but laugh though, in a way it's refreshing especially after all the drama of the day. Charles is staring at me laughing, with a soft smile on his face. His dimples are so prominent but that's not what I'm distracted by at the moment. No, I'm distracted by his wet hair falling loosely around his forehead. His eyes look extra green right now because of the lighting and I swear I fall in love with him all over again.

This is not the first time today that I've regretted my no sex rule. Shit it's not even the first time in the last hour that I've regretted it. Not only am I just physically so attracted to him, but everything he's done for me today is pulling on my heartstrings. He's been so supportive and attentive with me and I can feel myself starting to trust him again already. It's easy to do when we're spending all our time together, the true test is when we're apart. That's why I need to stick to my no sex rule even if it's killing me. When we get to the car we load up everything into the trunk, but I make sure to grab the bag with the necklaces we bought before climbing into the passenger seat. Charles climbs in a moment later and turns on the car, and then turns to me.

"Where to now?" He asks me and I grab my phone out of my purse. I haven't checked it since we talked to Francesca and when I look at it I notice I have a ton of notifications. She must have posted the question and answer prompt. Ignoring that for now, I pull up the address to a party supply store nearby and connect my phone to the GPS. Charles pulls out of the parking spot a moment later as I press play on our playlist so it's playing quietly as we drive. It's still pouring down rain and it's causing a lot of traffic. While Charles focuses on driving safely, I take the necklaces out of the bag, grabbing the 'C' and taking it carefully out of it's packaging so I can put it around my neck. I've just finished clasping it when I can see Charles looking at me in my peripherals.

"How does it look?" I ask excitedly as I turn towards him so he can check it out. His answering smile makes my stomach dip.

"It looks great baby. I didn't realize that seeing my initial around your neck would make me feel the way I do." He says darkly and I bite my lip as I process what his words mean. He glances down at the other necklace in my lap and then turns his gaze back to the road.

"Does that mean the 'L' is for me? So I can wear your initial around my neck too?" He asks and I try to hide my smile as I look down at the necklace.

"It can also stand for Leclerc if you feel weird about wearing my initial. Or you don't have to wear it at all and I can wear it sometimes instead." I say quietly, not really sure how he feels about wearing my initial. It's kind of a silly idea, but when I saw the necklaces I thought it would be a nice way to show each other we're thinking of one another even when we're away from one another. A reminder that we love each other.

"Lydia...I love the idea of wearing your initial around my neck even more than you wearing mine." He says and butterflies take flight in my stomach as he grabs my thigh and squeezes. I lean over the center console then and kiss his cheek because damn, I love him so much. Leaning back into my seat, I check my phone to see how many questions I'm actually getting. When I check my notifications I see there are currently about 60 questions so far and it seems like more are coming. My mouth drops in shock because I wasn't expecting to get that many.

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