Only You

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Lydia's POV

I locked myself in the bathroom about an hour ago so I could get ready for dinner with Charles. I've been busy doing my makeup and hair as well as making sure my body is fully shaved and moisturized. As I stare at myself in the mirror I think I did a pretty good job at looking good for him. My makeup is simple but elegant and my hair has the most perfect beachy waves. The outfit I chose is a red slip bodysuit mini dress with a v-neckline, a black leather jacket that I'm going to drape over my shoulders, black strappy heels that lace up my ankles and my Prada bag.

Satisfied with my look, I open the bathroom door to find Charles wearing black trousers, and a black short sleeved button up shirt with the top two buttons undone and a pair of black and white Nike sneakers. He looks fucking sexy and I can't help but stare at him. He's looking down at his phone so he hasn't noticed me yet.

"You ready mon amour?" I ask and his gaze snaps from his phone to me and I watch as his gaze turns heated as he takes me in. His mouth drops open slightly and I watch a little glimpse of his tongue slide along his bottom lip before he bites said lip. Fuck me.

"I'm actually not sure I want to go anymore." He says as he takes a step towards me while sliding his phone in his pocket. A moment later he's wrapping his arms around my hips and pulling me against him.

"You look absolutely ravishing. I'm not sure if I want anyone to see you looking this sexy." He whispers as he looks down between us, assessing my outfit. I can't help but laugh at his ogling.

"Too bad, we're going." I tell him as I lean forward to give him a quick peck before pulling his arms away from me and walking to the door of our room.

He follows me out the door and I know he's staring at my ass and legs as I walk in front of him. When we walk into the living room, everyone is sitting watching Talladega Nights of all movies. Morgan is the first one to see us and she wastes no time catcalling me causing everyone in the room to turn and look at us. I shake my head and roll my eyes at her antics but when she requests a spin from me I oblige.

"Charles you're a lucky man." Lando shouts and Bianca smacks him lightly on the shoulder making everyone laugh.

"What?! She is beautiful and he's lucky she decided to give his idiot self another chance. I was just stating a fact." He argues and I smile because he's not lying.

"I know, Lando. I'm the luckiest guy in the world." Charles says as he pulls me into his arms and kisses my shoulder.

"Alright, we should go or we're going to miss our reservation. We'll see you guys later!" I tell everyone as I drag Charles towards the front door. Right before I shut the door of the house I give everyone the signal to tell everyone it's time to set the party up.

Fifteen minutes later Charles and I are entering the restaurant. Our hands are intertwined as we follow the hostess to our table. They put us in a booth in a secluded section of the restaurant. I slide in and shrug off my jacket to place next to me while Charles slides in beside me. The hostess leaves us with our menus and a few moments late our waiter arrives to take our drink order. We both opt for water and the waiter leaves. As I pick up my menu to peruse I feel Charles hand come to rest on my thigh.

Once we order we start discussing our plans for the week. We both have to get back to work starting tomorrow so we're not going to get to spend as much time together. A part of me is sad about that but then another is anxious to see how things will go once we aren't constantly together. It will be the start of the trust test on whether or not we'll actually work out this time.

Our food comes quickly and we spend the next thirty minutes eating our food and we get on the subject of this morning. I'm so happy that Charles had such a good time. It was amazing and it truly was such a fun time. By the time we're finished eating it's been about an hour and a half since we sat down. Glancing at my phone I see a text from Kelly telling me that they are almost done setting up. To stall for time I decide to order a chocolate soufflé for dessert. It takes about twenty minutes to get it and Charles and I spend the whole time whispering all of the dirty things we want to do to one another in each others ears.

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