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Lydia's POV

I am so thankful that Charles' driver room has a shower. After the champagne celebration, followed by the phenomenal sex we just had against the desk, I'm a sticky mess and I smell like champagne and sex. The shower is very small so we are basically hugging each other while trying to get clean. It's making me want him again already, but we have people waiting for us and things to do. Morgan & Francesca were luckily able to get Charles out of any more interviews which is nice, but we have plans to go out to an early dinner with his family and Ezra since his mother leaves on a red eye tonight back to Monaco.

As we step out of the shower I realize that I don't have any clothes to change into after the champagne shower but before I can even say anything Charles is walking to his backpack and handing me a hoodie and sweat pants. I smile at him in gratitude and quickly get dressed, bypassing underwear all together since it also got wet. A few minutes later Charles is dressed and we have our things packed to head back to the Airbnb so we can change and go to dinner.

When we walk out of the drivers room hand in hand our friends and family are waiting for us, giving us knowing looks. I should probably feel embarrassed but I don't. Pascale gives me a wink and I do blush but I'm thankful that she and I seem to be in a good place now.

This morning I thought she was maybe trying to get rid of me but during the race she told me she could tell that Charles needed some one on one time with me especially since he'll be leaving for Mexico while I head to San Diego. She just wanted us to be able to spend time together, it wasn't about getting rid of me.

Everyone takes their turn congratulating Charles with hugs and pats in the back. Finally we start heading to the car so we can go when I see any older couple waiting at the exit of the paddock.

"I thought I told you to leave. Why the hell are you still here?" I ask them with anger as when we approach them. I feel Charles squeeze my hand and I know he's probably confused.

"Stop causing a scene Annabelle. We just wanted to meet our future son-in-law, that's all." My mother says in response to my question as she looks me up and down in the clothes Charles let me borrow with distaste and I want to fucking scream. My father just stands there doing absolutely nothing except looking at Charles. I'm sure he just sees dollar signs in his eyes since money is all he can think about.

"You'll get a fucking scene if you don't leave. You are not welcome here. I don't want you anywhere near me, Ezra or Charles." I tell her with so much hatred that I'm even scaring myself.

"Always so dramatic. You know what we want Annabelle. Give it to us and then we'll leave you alone. Until then, we're going to be a apart of your life again. I truly don't know why you hate us so much anyways, we are not the villains to make us out to be." My mother continues completely deluded in her thinking that and it takes everything in me to not snap.

"You absolutely are the villains. Who abandons their daughter just because she got pregnant and wanted to keep the baby? And not to mention what you are doing now in regards to the will, trying to hurt or get your own flesh and blood in trouble with the law just to gain access to money and take her child away from her. It's despicable behavior. You two are horrible people who don't deserve anything good. I don't know what you are asking Lydia for, but there's absolutely no way in fucking hell that you're getting it. I will fight tooth and nail to stop whatever it is you're trying to accomplish here. I will fight dirty, I will do anything in my power to protect her and Ezra from you people. Now if you would move we will be leaving." Charles tells them with so much anger and hated that he sounds terrifying. I've never seen him this way.

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