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Charles has his hand on my thigh as he drives me home. I don't know if he's aware but he's rubbing his thumb along my skin and it's slowly driving me crazy. Cigarettes After Sex is playing quietly and again this feeling is surreal. I still don't understand what Charles wants to do with me. I glance over at him to because I can't help it, he's so beautiful. He notices me staring and turns to give me a soft smile and I wish I could kiss him. 

"You need to stop looking at me like that." He whispers as his eyes move to look at my lips.

"I'm not doing anything. It's not my fault that you're freaking hot and have your hands on me!" I say biting my lip which makes Charles' eyes darken. My stomach dips as I feel his hand ever so slowly move up my thigh. 

"You're the one who needs to stop!" I laugh as I grab his hand and remove it from my leg, instead intertwine our fingers so we are holding hands. Charles chuckles wickedly and I roll my eyes as I look away from him and out the window. After a few minutes Charles squeezes my hand gaining my attention. I turn to face him again and notice he seems worried.

"I'm going to be gone for the next two weeks." He tells me and I nod because I already knew that. Ezra is also gone but for three weeks. I'm sad but also excited that they'll be gone. Sad because I'll miss them but happy because I can focus on finding another summer job. 

"Ez will be gone too."

"So what are your plans?" He asks curiously.

"My main goal is to find a summer job. I don't get paychecks during the breaks between teaching so I need to find something else for a few months until the new semester starts." I tell him and he frowns, and his eyebrows are drawn in like he's annoyed. I look away because it's honestly embarrassing that I have to get another job. A moment later Charles is pulling over to the side of the road and I turn back to him in confusion thinking something is wrong with his car. When he puts it in park he turns to face me fully and wraps one of his hands in my hair, forcing me to look at him.

"Don't ever feel ashamed for needing to work. I didn't realize that you don't get paid when you aren't teaching, that seems very stupid. What kind of job are you looking for?" He asks and I look at him curiously.

 "I don't know, anything really. Waitressing, tutoring, cleaning." I say listing a few things off the top of my head and I can tell he's trying to think through something as he processes what I just said.

"What if I hire you?" He asks me and I narrow my eyes at him. He can't be serious.

"For what?" I ask because I don't know where he's going with this.

"You can be my English teacher." He says, completely serious and I can't help but laugh.

"Don't be ridiculous. You are better at speaking English than I am." I tell him and based on his expression he doesn't appreciate me laughing at him.

"I just wish you didn't have to work. How much do you need?" He asks and I move his hand out of my hair in annoyance.

"Don't worry about it. I have it covered. I always figure out a way." I say as I look out the windshield blankly.

"But you shouldn't have to figure it out! Have you tried finding more sponsors so you don't have to cover karting anymore?" He asks almost desperately and I don't understand why he's so worked up about this.

"Charles, just drop it." I say quietly, checking out of the conversation. I can feel him staring at me, but I don't budge. Eventually he puts the car in drive and merges back onto the road. For the rest of the car ride we don't talk, we don't touch. This night just went to complete shit because of money. It's ridiculous and just shows me that this would never work between us. He has too much money and I don't have enough. We're in two different worlds. When he pulls up to my apartment he parks and turns off the car. I sit silently, not moving to get out of the car just yet. I'm trying to figure out what to say. It seems like Charles is in the same boat as me as he sits silently beside me.

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