I Should Hate You

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We head to Hungary two days later after exploring Paris. It was my first time there and lets just say it was magical even though Charles and I had to be very careful out in public for long periods of time so we didn't get photographed. We still did get photographed together though, and this time it included Ezra. The media already wondering who he is in relation to me and Charles. There's speculation that he's my brother since we look so much alike and I'm thankful that so far they don't know the real story yet. I know it's only a matter of time until they figure it out, and I'm fine with when that happens but I have a feeling Charles doesn't want people to know.

When we arrive in Hungary we immediately head to our hotel rooms to get settled. Charles has a meeting with his team to go over everything before press tomorrow. Basically from now until Sunday afternoon, I won't see him much except for the evenings. Although, this time around we opted for separate rooms. I'll be bunking with Ezra while Charles has his own room. 

He wasn't happy when I suggested it but there were no suites available and there's no way I was going to let Ezra have his own room by himself. I end up not seeing Charles until Friday after his practices since he's been busy prepping for the race and I've been busy exploring the paddock with Ezra. It's the first time for the both of us, and it's definitely a very amazing experience. Ezra is soaking in everything and he looks like a kid on Christmas morning. It makes my heart so happy seeing him in his element and I realize it won't be very long until he's here. 

"Mama, are you going to cry?" Ezra asks me as we walk out of the McLaren garage after talking to some of the engineers on their team. I push him lightly away as I subtlety wipe moisture from my eyes. 

"Seeing you here and realizing that it won't be long until you're here as a driver is just surreal. It's like all our hard work has paid off and we're almost to the finish line." I tell him as we walk towards the Ferrari garage. He wraps his long arms around my shoulders and hugs me tightly against him and I realize that he's grown even more. My baby isn't a baby anymore. 

"Lydia? Is that you?" I hear someone yell from behind us. We stop and I look over my shoulder to see Lando jogging towards us with a huge grin on his face.

"Lando! I was hoping to run into you. I wanted you to meet Ezra." I tell him with a hug as he approaches. 

When we release one another Lando turns towards Ezra and introduces himself. Ezra remains calm for about 2.5 seconds before gushing about how much he loves him. They end up getting into a conversation about karting and I tune out of the conversation, looking back towards the Ferrari garage to see if I can spot Charles. I don't see him and I'm about to turn away when I see a brunette girl in the garage with a guy holding a camera. They look to be arguing and I'm about to turn away when the girl turns slightly and I realize that it's Charlotte. I asked Charles if he's told her about me yet last night because he brought up Joris and I asked. He said he hasn't gotten the chance but if she's here this weekend, and in the garage no less then how has he not found the time?

"Lydia? You okay?" Lando asks, drawing me away from the Ferrari garage and back to the present. He's looking at me strangely and then looks to where I was looking and his expression turns to understanding, but I'm not sure he's understanding what I'm concerned about at the moment.

"I'm fine, but I think qualification is about to start, so we'll let you go." I tell him with a smile and he gives me one in return before giving me another hug and a handshake with Ezra.
Ezra and I make our way to the Red Bull garage where we've been invited to hang out all weekend thanks to Kelly and Max. I'm thankful for the invite because I am not ready to be seen at Ferrari just yet. 

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