A Sky Full of Stars

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We've made it to our hotel which is about 30 minutes from the race track. It's Thursday, so Charles is at the track doing media while I'm sitting in our room, debating on what I should do while I wait for him to return. The past few days have been wonderful with Charles, we've just been taking the time to get to know each other better. I've even had a minor breakdown about Ezra and my parents to which he handled perfectly. 

When we got to the hotel there was a rack of clothing waiting for me, just like he promised there would be. Along with shoes, purses and even some jewelry. I balked at the prices of everything, telling Charles to have everything returned but he wouldn't hear any of it, saying it was only worth about the amount he makes in an hour. It wasn't until later when I had a minute alone that I looked up his net worth and nearly collapsed when I realized he was telling me the truth. Charles found me having yet another minor breakdown and laughed when I told him why. He just reiterated that he wants to spoil me and to let him without freaking out over it.

I'm having a hard time accepting that because I've been struggling to make money for the past 16 years and seeing the amount that he can drop in the matter of minutes is insane to me. Even growing up with wealthy parents didn't prepare me for him. He left me this morning letting me know if I wanted to go to the hotel spa I could and to just charge everything to the room. I'm tempted to do it but I can't help but feel guilty. So I'm sitting on our bed, that we've been sharing since we got here, debating on whether or not I should go to the spa. 'A Sky Full of Stars' by Coldplay is playing quietly from my phone but it's interrupted by my phone dinging.

        Charles: Have you gone to the spa yet?
        Me: Not yet, still debating on going or not.
        Charles: Mon soleil...
        Me: LP...
        Charles: Max's girlfriend is coming by the room so the two of you can go to the spa together. She should be there in five minutes.
        Me: I hate you.
        Charles: 😘❤️

True to his word, there's a knock on the hotel door five minutes later. I open it to find a beautiful brunette with piercing blue eyes similar to mine, who looks like she's a model. I'm immediately intimidated, especially when I get a good look at her outfit. She's in head to toe Louis Vuitton and she looks absolutely amazing.

"You must be Lydia! I'm Kelly, Max's girlfriend!" She says with a friendly smile, no hint of fakeness from her at all. I smile in return, feeling much less stressed after her greeting.

"It's so great to meet you! I love your outfit." I tell her as I glance over the outfit once more, admiring the matching set. It's a black and white sequin striped knit skirt and tank top set. In comparison, my black linen shorts and tan and black checkered linen top from Reformation are much more casual. I silently thank Charles for buying me new clothes so I don't look like a total hobo next to Kelly.

"Thank you! Yours is great too, I love the linen." She compliments and I can't help but smile even brighter at her.

"Let me go put on some shoes and grab my phone. I'll be right back." I tell her, quickly walking to our room and slipping on my new black Ted Baker quilted magnolia buckle sandals and grabbing my phone from where I left it on the bed.

I find Kelly where I left her and we head down to the spa. When we arrive they take us to the back immediately once Kelly said who she was. After we tell them what services we want, they hand us bath robes and tell us to get changed. We each chose to get a massage, facial, manicure and pedicure. Once we change we are led into a room where there are two massage tables sitting side by side. We climb onto them and get comfortable while we wait for our massage therapists to arrive. A few moments later two women walk into the room and we get started. I've never had a massage before so this is new to me, and it's definitely something I could get used to. After the hour is done, I'm feeling so wonderful. My body has never felt like this, I've never been this relaxed before.

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