Made For Me

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Lydia's POV

"Come here mon amour." I whisper, needing Charles to touch me, kiss me, be inside of me more than anything in the world. The orgasm I just had was probably one of the most intense I've had. Im not sure if it's because it's been awhile since I've felt his mouth on me or if it's because our connection seems to be deeper this time around. That's honestly crazy since we've only been back together for a couple of days, but things feel different t this time around and that's why I have decided that the no sex rule is pointless. We're like magnets, our attraction and connection is too strong and I'm tired of fighting it. I'm still not sure if I fully trust Charles, but I trust him enough to know that this time is different.

He kisses me and I melt into him, deepening the kiss immediately. I wrap my legs around him, holding him tightly against me, not wanting to let him go. His cock is now rubbing against my pussy. Both of us moan as we touch and I turn desperate, needing him inside of me right now. I pull my mouth away from his and he wastes no time moving his lips to my neck. The feel of him makes my eyes roll in my head and I swear I already feel another orgasm coming.

"Inside me. Now." I demand, not even being able to think straight to speak in full sentences. He moves his head to look at me, uncertainty in his gaze. He's worried this isn't something I want to do, and I don't blame him. I've been so adamant that I won't be having sex with him until I trust him. He knows he hasn't gained my trust back fully yet so he's being careful.

"I'm tired of fighting the inevitable and we only have a short amount of time before we won't see each other for awhile. I don't want to waste anymore time." I tell him as I tangle my hands into his hair. He stares down at me for a moment before bending down and kissing me until I'm breathless and writhing beneath him. I'm so desperate to feel him again that I let out a frustrated groan, which makes Charles laugh.

"Do you want me to beg mon amour, because I will." I tell him as I grind against his cock. He groans in my ear and the sound makes my pussy clench. He's so fucking sexy. Luckily he doesn't make me beg. Before I can get another word out, he's guiding his cock into me. We both groan when he's to the hilt and it feels like the world has been set back on its axis. Everything is how it should be.

"Fuck, I've missed this." Charles says as he starts moving ever so slowly. It feels so good but I need him to start moving faster. I tell him that I've missed it as well and he begins to move faster much to my relief. He grabs the legs and bends them towards my head, deepening his cock and hitting the perfect spot. I gasp at the new sensation and start to begin the feelings of my second orgasm.

"Fuck baby. I need you to cum because I'm not going to last much longer. This feels too good." He grunts out as each one of his thrusts hits just the right spot. He won't have to worry about me because with one last deep thrust I'm coming hard on his cock. I moan so loud that I know Max and Kelly had to have heard but Charles immediately covers my mouth with his, swallowing my cries of pleasure. It's only a moment later that he's exploding inside of me and I'm swallowing his cries of pleasure. Once we both come down from the high, I kiss him tenderly.

"I love you so much mon soleil." He whispers when he pulls out of me a few minutes later.

"I love you too, LP. More then you know." I tell him as I curl up on my side and close my eyes with a smile on my face. I'm suddenly so exhausted that I can't seem to keep my eyes open. I feel Charles kiss me gently on the forehead and then I hear him walk to the bathroom.

A few minutes later I startle when I feel a warm washcloth cleaning me up. I smile sleepily at Charles and thank him. He smiles down at me with so much love that my stomach dips. A moment later he's climbing into bed with me and wrapping me in his arms. I relax into him, cherishing this feeling of love and safety.

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